Is modification still required given Maglula's offering of the 'BabyUpLULA', ( a '.22LR to .380ACP* loader for single-stack pistol mags without a projecting side button'?
Does this not work with Kadet magazines (at least, the original ones with no loading assist buttons)?
Hey Mountaindude:
If I understand your question; yes, this mod is for the original (9mm to 45 Double Stack) UpLULA .... NOT the Baby
After doing the Mod, you can load most any (Pistol Type) Magazine .22 thru .45, Single and Double Stack
Yes, it will load all of the KADET Mags, CZ75 SP, P and most any Pistol and some Rifle Stick / Box Magazines that fit into the Loader Body
It has been said (give some patience) it will even load the Ruger Mk(?), Woodsman etc type Mags
The MagLULA BabyUpULA (as you said) is only for (some) Single Stack Mags, but not (most all) 1911 Magazines and other Mags of that size
Yes, the MagLULA 22UpLULA will load the KADET Mags, but it is for Rimfire sized Rounds ONLY
Its "Limiter" WILL NOT allow this Loader to load Centerfire Rounds
Hope that helps