I think there are several things that are very important in getting the wife to enjoy shooting : the recoil, grip, ease of racking, and size is important.
Many people suggest the Ruger or Buckmark .22 but try to rack them. they are very hard to rack.
The grip is also important for a woman's hand, which are not the same ave size as males.
The recoil of the .22 is nil if the gun has heft but so is the recoil of a .32 with some heft.
Size is also important to feel and fear; i.e. a polymer XDM or Glock may be light but large looking to a woman, compare that the a SIG 232, PPK, or CZ 83. They just look more manageable.
My wife believes that her CZ 83 in .32 cal, fits her hand well, its size is not imposing, but it is all steel not only steady in aiming but heft makes it recoil like a .22. It is reasonable to rack, simple to clean, and reliable as heck.
For one deciding to get one pistol, why start with a .22, why not get a decent defensive 15 round pistol for the same money. Some believe the .32 penetrates better than the .380 and the FPE is only slightly less.
Unfortunately, the CZ 83 will no longer be offered in .32 in the near future.