SPRINGING A Witness Compact .40 S&W
New posting of my old problem:
I am new to the EEA Witness, CZ pistol as an owner, I have shot a CZ before.
I came here because of a problem I have with my new .40 all steel Wonderfinish EAA Witness Compact Semi Auto Pistol .40 S&W 3.6" Barrel 12 Rounds Rubber Grip Steel Wonder Finish 999098
It has a extra stiff slide. the original stock recoil spring is two springs, the standard and a captured spring. The slide is tight even without the spring and rod installed, more tight an inch or two from full open, so much that it is barely able to chamber a cartridge.
The pistol has never been shot. The slide recoil spring is to strong that the slide stop can't be applied. in addition to the slide being stiff the slide stop pin is VERY tight in the slide and barrel link I don't think the slide goes back far enough to lock. I have checked the rails on the slide and the frame, there is no burrs or rough spots. the slide is really tight in the area of the magazine well.
End of original post
What I have done to date (August 20, 2016)
I ordered the Wolff Witness calibration recoil set and installed the 18# spring. The slide would NOT go back far enough to chamber a round nor would the manual slide latch lock the slide. I started cutting coils off the Wolff spring and did get the slide to latch open after cutting several coils off the spring (this is with the 18# only!) using the factory recoil rod).
After reading the entire recent Recoil Springing thread I decided the original factory two spring setup for this compact model EAA Witness.40 S&W is correct, so I removed the Wolff 18# spring and reinstalled the original 2 springs, and started trimming, I measured the space allowed for the collapsed recoil springs, it is TINY! After trimming 3 coils off each spring I am able to open the slide enough to latch the slide with the manual slide lock, with only 1/32th of an inch slack in the slide. The pistol has never been fired and that is for the next trip to the range.
I believe that the design of this pistol is a good one, however the factory assembly and the owners manual are need ing to be updated before the pistol is sent to a dealer for sale.
P.S. I have polished the slide, hammer and the frame and have worked the slide many times with a very weak 18 pound spring that I shortened to give a full slide travel, with my set of Arkansas stones and a needle file wrapped in a single layer of 400 grit 3M emory. the slide is still a bit stiff, it won't fall off with gravity, like my series 70 1911 will that has over 2000 rounds thru it, with just the silde on the frame.
I would like to hear any advice from some of you Witness compact .40 owners and critique my procedure, also do I need a different Recoil Spring rod, or other parts.?