I never tried it myself because I had issues with getting 9X23 ammo, but I had read from several sources that 9X23 worked in unmodified .38 super Witness pistols, and the barrels were practically the same, just the breechface on the .38 Super is more like the size you see on a .40 cal. In fact, I did some swapping around and found that I could fit a .40 barrel on a .38 super and it was just a wee bit tight with the .40, but not badly. I never sold anything that way because I was told it was unsafe, but never had anything go Kaboom from it either.
There has been a long time issue with the .38 super mags they had for European sales vs the ones for US sales, as the Euro variants would be marked "38 SA" and sometimes "9mm SA" which I was told meant "special auto". I still have several left over since I had a pretty big batch made available to me back during the ban and I snapped them up. I can only find two right now, but know I have more at my old place somewhere.