Author Topic: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed  (Read 18779 times)

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Offline mustang400

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #45 on: October 11, 2011, 06:10:59 PM »
please get back to us if you shoot this weekend.

Offline Bret

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #46 on: October 13, 2011, 09:44:59 PM »
My Henning guide rod and Wolff springs arrived today. ;D  I installed the new guide rod along with a 20lb recoil spring.  The slide is definitely harder to pull back, but not too much so.

Offline mustang400

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #47 on: October 14, 2011, 04:05:10 AM »
I found most of my brass with the 18lb spring. With the 20lb should get it all, which means the slide is slamming the frame just about right.

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #48 on: October 20, 2011, 09:00:44 PM »
I was finally able to take my 9x23 Witness Match to the range today.  It started with the 20lb Wolff recoil spring installed.  Here's a picture before I started blasting.

I brought 100rds total.  50rds were of Magtech 124gr FMJ's over 6.8gr (10rds), 7.0gr (10rds), and (30rds) of VV 3N37.  The other 50rds were of Hornady 124gr XTP JHP's over 7.0gr (10rds) and 7.2gr (40rds) of VV 3N37.

I started with 10rds of the 6.8gr VV 3N37 pushing the Magtech 124gr FMJ.  Here's a picture of the result at about 15'.

The cases seemed to eject pretty rapidly and there were no failures of any kind.

Pleased with my initial results and knowing that increased powder charge would increase the slide velocity (all else being equal), I decided to install the 22lb recoil spring.  I then fired 10rds more of the same load with 7.0gr VV 3N37.  Again, the cases ejected with plenty of velocity and there were no failures of any kind.  I'd say that recoil was on par with a typical 40S&W pistol.  The slide is obviously harder to pull back with the 22lb recoil spring, but it's not too difficult in my opinion.  I went on to fire the remaining 80rds with no problems as all.  Grouping was excellent.  The Mec-Gar 38Super fed flawlessly.

In the picture below, the lower left group is 20rds.

The only thing that I didn't like was that the trigger reset seems kind of weak.  This doesn't have anything to do with the 9x23 conversion.  We'll see what happens when I adjust the trigger because I have not attempted to do so yet.

The bottom line here is that this is an awesome conversion!  Without a doubt I'd recommend Jim at Innovative Custom Guns.  I'd also recommend the Henning guide rod and 22lb Wolff recoil spring.  I can't think of a reason to go with a lighter recoil spring because the 22lb one still allows the cases to eject with plenty of velocity and distance.  Heck, if Wolff made a 24lb recoil spring, I'd try it too.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 10:01:14 PM by Bret »

Offline jwc007

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #49 on: October 21, 2011, 02:50:37 PM »
Congratulations and Good Shooting!  I love it when things come together well!  8)
"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego." - Yoda

For all of those killed by a 9mm: "Get up! You are not dead! You were shot with a useless cartridge!"

Offline mustang400

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #50 on: October 22, 2011, 06:21:33 AM »
seems to shoot like it came from the factory!
I'm going to have to try the 22lb spring in mine.

Offline mustang400

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2011, 09:19:05 AM »
I got started! Bought Hornaday Series IV, 3 die set for 9x23. It comes with Redemption Form for 100 free bullets($6.95 shipping). I assume i would check the box "9mm .355 115gr HP/XTP"??. I got the Dies from "Wholesale Hunter" who also carries the cheapest Win. 9x23 ammo at $27/box/10 box case.

MidWay had a sale on Winchester 9x23 brass $23/100, got the last 3 bags. The rest of the Net wanted $31-$38/bag. Bret got 9 bags a couple months ago for a little less. I wonder why M-Way markets 9x23 brass at this price point when everyone else wants Stupid $.

Since i'f headed down the Hornady path, Using the KISS principle for myself, what Hornady press would work best for a newbee reloader? Only need to reload 75rds/week, slow is good. Simple is better. Single stage --yes. Will go electronic on scale&measurer. This will be the only caliber(die) i reload at this time, maybe 38S/C late next year(2nd die). Is there a Powder and JHP bullet that could be used for both if i loaded to MAJOR on the 38S/C?   

Will i have to resize once fire brass from my owm Match fully supported barrel using Win. brass?

Offline Bret

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2011, 09:48:40 AM »
I assume i would check the box "9mm .355 115gr HP/XTP"??.
You don't have to select bullets that will work with the die set that you bought.  I always select the most expensive bullets that I reload, so that means the 40S&W 155gr XTP's for me.  Since 9x23 is the only cartridge that you'll be reloading for, the 115gr XTP's are the bullets to get.

MidWay had a sale on Winchester 9x23 brass $23/100, got the last 3 bags. The rest of the Net wanted $31-$38/bag. Bret got 9 bags a couple months ago for a little less. I wonder why M-Way markets 9x23 brass at this price point when everyone else wants Stupid $.
Score!  Who knows why Midway does it that way?  Regardless, I don't object. ;D

Since i'f headed down the Hornady path, Using the KISS principle for myself, what Hornady press would work best for a newbee reloader? Only need to reload 75rds/week, slow is good. Simple is better.
That would be thier Lock-N-Load Classic single stage press.  You might consider their Lock-N-Load Classic Kit as it will have most every tool you'll need.  You'll still need a scale, a set of dial calipers, and a tumbler for cleaning your cases.  FYI, the hand priming tool works much better than the press based priming tool.

Will i have to resize once fire brass from my owm Match fully supported barrel using Win. brass?
You'll always resize new or fired brass before reloading it.

Offline mustang400

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2011, 10:56:12 AM »

The 115gr bullets are the 100 free ones you get with the die( need original dated '11 reciept+original UPC, cut from box ). I'd like to move to a JHP 124-130gr that i could use i both the 9x23 and 38S/C when i get that die next year.

Just pulled out the Hornady Free ammo form and they will give me 500 bullets if i get the LOCL-N-LOAD CLASSIC KIT. Is the Auto Charge system a good buy for a newbee?. Do they work well? Another 100 free bullets if you buy their Auto Charge. Thats 700 bullets, maybe they will swap for a heavier bullet. If i buy the new pieces every couple of weeks, i think i can con myself into thinking this was a cheap $ start-up.

At $18/box savings over store bought, there is a light at the end. Now will have to shoot more and talk less. I think this is going to turn into a pretty cool hobby.

Offline Bret

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2011, 11:11:11 AM »
Is the Auto Charge system a good buy for a newbee?. Do they work well?
Typically when loading pistol cartridges, once things are setup, most people will verify about 1 of 5 or 1 of 10 powder charges on a scale.  A scale like the autocharge is typically used for weighing larger charges for rifle cartridges.  I'm not saying that you couldn't use it, but given the time that it will take, I think it would slow things down for you.  Another factor is that you don't want to be pulling the handle on your press to seat a bullet at the same time that autocharge is pouring powder.  Personally, I charge about ten cases, seat the bullets in them, and then repeat the process.  The bottom line is that I'd recommend a small electronic scale.  I'd definitely suggest one that you can plug in as changing batteries is a pain.

BTW, I forgot to tell you that you'll also need to buy a 9mm taper crimp die.  We can have long discussions about the art of taper crimping, but the bottom line is that unlike a roll crimp, a taper crimp's purpose is not to hold the bullet.  It's purpose is to simply remove the remaining flare from the belling operation.  Understand this and you'll be ahead of 4 out of 5 reloaders out there.

Offline mustang400

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2011, 11:43:21 AM »
Classic Kit comes with:

single-stage press
Lock-n-Load Powder Measure
electronic scale
Hornady reloading book
three Lock-n-Load die bushing
primer catcher
positive priming system
hand held priming tool
universal reloading block
chamfering and deburring tool
primer tuning plate
case lube

Will look for the 9mm taper crimp die.

thanks for the help today

Offline mustang400

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2011, 07:09:06 PM »
Starline has 38 TJ brass for sale $153.50/1000. How does this brass differ from their 38 Super Comp and Winchester's 9x23 brass? I thought the TJ brass was really Starline's 9x23.

Where does 9MM Super Comp brass fit in?

Offline Bret

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2011, 08:48:44 PM »
According to Starline's website, the 38 TJ is "Very similar to the .38 Super Comp but with modified extractor groove geometry to aide in full length resizing. Used mainly in competition raceguns."

They have 9mm Super Comp listed as being 9x23, so I'd guess that it's the closest thing to Winchester 9x23.

Offline mustang400

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Re: 9mm to 9x23 Conversion Info Needed
« Reply #58 on: November 17, 2011, 06:53:21 PM »
Did i  read some where that the Winchester 9x23 brass was set up to load no more than a 130gr bullet and that the Starline was sized to handle up to 147 gr bullets?