I did read somewhere that the pistols are rated for 30,000 regular 9mm rounds or 15,000 +p rounds. This does seem a little low in my very uneducated thought. I know it's just a rating and my be under rated... any thoughts compared to other pistols rated service lives. These service life estimations are for frame and or slide, not the small components.
No, the pistol isn't rated for 30,000 or 15,000 NATO rounds...it was tested up to that level and passed. That is the minimum qualifications for the Czech Police. That was for the P01, which is just a short SP01 frame. To pass the test, it was allowed to have 20 failures in 10,000 rounds of constant fire. Their test gun had 7 failures in 15,000.
Here is the test results:
(From CZ press release pertaining to P-01 passing NATO compliance)
The pistol was required to pass a wide variety of tests:
The police required that the pistol ensure the highest level of comfort, an extended slide release was added as well as an extended magazine release and the trigger was reshaped to give a more consistent pull throughout the trigger stroke.
The pistol must be 100% reliable in extreme conditions, the following is a list of some of the minimum requirements.
Must be able to complete the following without failure:
4000 dry firings
3000 De-cockings
Operator level disassembly 1350 times with out ware or damage to components.
Complete disassembly 150 times, this is all the way down, pins, springs etc.
100% interchangability, any number of pistols randomly selected, disassembled, parts mixed and reassembled with no failures of any kind including loss of accuracy.
Safety requirements:
Drop test
1.5 meter (4.9) drop test, this is done 54 times with the pistol loaded (blank) and the hammer cocked. Dropping the pistol on the butt, the muzzle, back of the slide, sides of the gun, top of the slide, in essence, any angle that you could drop the gun from. This is done on concrete and 0 failures are allowed! A failure is the gun firing.
3meter drop (9.
5 times with the pistol loaded (blank) and the hammer cocked, This is done on concrete and 0 failures are allowed! A failure is the gun firing.
After these tests are complete the gun must fire without service.
The factory contracted an independent lab to do additional testing on guns that previously passed the drop tests. These pistol were dropped an additional 352 times without failure.
The pistol must also complete an environmental conditions test:
This means cold, heat, dust/sand and mud.
The pistol must fire after being frozen for 24 hours at 35C (-36F).
The pistol must fire after being heated for 24 hours at 70C (126F)
The pistol must fire after being submerged in mud, sand and combinations including being stripped of oil then completing the sand and mud tests again.
Service life:
The service life requirement from the Czech police was 15,000 rounds of +P ammo!
The pistol will exceed 30,000 rounds with ball 9mm.
The reliability requirements for the P-01 pistol are 99.8%, thats a .2% failure rate.
This equals 20 stoppages in 10,000 rounds or 500 Mean Rounds Between Failure (MRBF)
During testing, the average number of stoppages was only 7 per 15,000 rounds fired, this is a .05% failure rate, a MRBF rate of 2142 rounds! Over 4 time the minimum acceptable requirement.
The U.S. Army MRBF requirement is 495 rounds for 9mm pistols with 115 grain Ball ammunition.