As happy as I am with my P-07 I was expecting to really love this P-09. However the more I shoot it the less thrilled I am. I cannot seem to shoot this anywhere near as well as my P-07.
I'm also not too thrilled with the weight.
Are you just not producing the same accuracy/precision with it as with the P-09? Or does it really feel that different (other than weight, which you mentioned) when firing?
I've been curious about this myself. Are the two guns shaped differently? They look the same in pics but for the 09 having longer upper and grip. I would have thought they would feel the same in the hand, and most accounts indicate the 09 has the better trigger.
If it's just the accuracy that's weighing on you and frustrating you, have you tried a variety of ammo to see if the gun likes something else better? Do you find the same disparity in the guns when shooting from a rest?
Again, I'm just curious. I've become really interested in both of these guns over the last few weeks, and so I want to pick the brain of someone having different experiences with them.