I just got the CGW SPGK1 3 spring kit and want to install it in my Tri star C 100. Does anyone know of a video showing how to do this? Thanks.
I could make one if I could find the cord for my camera, since I've just done it twice...
I'll try to outline the general process, though, if that helps?
1. Make sure gun is unloaded and chamber is empty!
Hammer Spring - This is in the rearward vertical portion of the frame, behind where the magazine slots in.
1. Remove empty magazine and grips.
2. Remove hammer spring channel cap:
- Make sure hammer is uncocked (doesn't really matter, but will be easier to push against the spring if it's uncompressed)
- Take a look at the lower frame underneath the grips. You should see one narrow/skinny pin up near the slide, and one thicker one down near the base of the frame. We'll be focusing on the lower one.
- Press up against the circular plug in the very bottom of the frame. Right now you are compressing the hammer spring slightly.
- While pressing up, use a punch of some sort to push out the lower most pin (the thicker one mentioned a bit earlier), and then gently release the circular plug. It's under spring tension, but it won't go flying because it's being held in by the flat piece of springy metal that covers the rear of the magazine well.
- Using a punch or something that you can get some decent leverage with, push that cylindrical plug thing back down into the frame until you can remove the magazine brake (the springy piece of flat metal) from the spring. It has a slightly hooked piece on the end and just needs to be pulled away from the spring. Be gentle with this piece as it's easy to bend, and if you do bend it, it can take some adjusting before your magazines will drop freely again.
- Once you have the mag brake freed from the spring release GENTLY the plug. It
will go flying this time if you're not careful.
- Now the hammer spring should drop freely out. Put the fancy new one in the same place.
3. Replace the hammer spring!
- Reverse the instructions for removal:
- Put the new spring in the channel, making sure the hammer strut is inside the spring.
- Push the cylindrical cap back into the channel, compressing the spring, you'll most likely need a punch or something of the sort again here, since you need to push the cap far enough up that you can replace the magazine brake hook on the spring. Once you get the hook, make sure the flat metal magazine brake ends are notched into the narrow slots on the bottom of the frame.
- Push the cap in again and slide the pin back in - sometimes I'm able to do this step with just my thumb pushing on the cap. Once everything is lined up properly, it should be easy to slide the pin in, you don't need a hammer/punch or anything.
- Replace the grips.
Now you're done with the frame! Onto the slide...
Firing pin spring and firing pin block spring - these are both in the slide. The larger one is the spring that pushes the firing pin rearward that the hammer must overcome when the trigger is pulled to force the pin into the primer of the cartridge. It is wrapped around the front portion of the firing pin, so to get to it we need to remove the firing pin.
The smaller of the two springs is the firing pin block spring - this spring forces the firing pin block downward, blocking the path of the firing pin from entering the chamber, until the trigger is pulled, when a portion of the sear pushes this up and out of the way. You can see this piece if you take the slide off and look underneath towards the rear - it will be offset from the center and you will be able to push it up with your finger. We must also take this piece out.
1. Your gun is still unloaded, right? Good. Get the magazine out of there, too.
2. Take the slide off of the frame - line the two notches on the rear of the slide and frame up, and then push on the protrusion of the slide stop on the right side of the frame with the base of your magazine until you are able to grab and pull out the slide stop itself. Once the slide stop is gone, the slide should come slide forward all the way off of the frame.
3. Remove barrel and recoil spring assembly. Set aside.
4. Now take a look at the frame. Near the rear, where the serrations are, you will see a large-ish roll pin going through the slide. This roll pin retains the firing pin - you'll need to remove it. Use the appropriate sized roll pin (sorry, I don't know what size, my set isn't labeled
) and a soft mallet of some kind if you have it - it shouldn't require too much force to knock out, so if all you have is a steel hammer, just tap lightly. If you think you might slip, put painters tape on the slide around where you're hammering to prevent scratches.
5. Once the pin is out (it doesn't have to come all the way out! Just enough that the firing pin is no longer trapped), the firing pin is free - almost! Remember that firing pin block we talked about? That's all that's holding the firing pin in. Angle the slide so that the rear of the firing pin is facing downward, and press in on the firing pin block. The firing pin should fall free, along with the firing pin spring. Now the firing pin block should be able to fall free as well, along with the spring.
6. Now replace the springs with the shiny new CGW units, and reassemble - put the firing pin block assembly in, then, while holding it up with your finger, slide the firing pin in. Note that the flat spot/notches in the firing pin must be facing upwards - this notch is where the roll pin we tapped out earlier fits to retain the pin.
7. Once the pin is in place, push it forward from the rear, until you can see all the way through the roll pin hole (the rear of the pin should be about flush with the slide in that portion). Now slide a punch or something of the appropriate diameter in that hole from the opposite of whichever side you plan to re-install the roll pin from. This is to hold the firing pin in place while you tap the roll pin back in.
8. Once you've tapped the roll pin back in, you're all set! Put the barrel and recoil spring back in, slide the slide back on the frame, reinstall the slide stop and enjoy your new trigger pull!!
I've typed that up very quickly and from memory, so let me know if you have any questions - I wish I had time to add pictures or make a video, but I'm swamped studying for finals and don't have the time at the moment. I hope this helped at least a little, and good luck!