From a physics standpoint, I would expect perceived recoil to be most affected by peak force, average force and gun weight. Average force is most dependent on total energy. Assuming the energy liberated is proportional to the powder weight, I think this is a good assumption for constant caliber and when the load isn't highly compressed, the force values should be about proportional to the powder weight. Given that the burn thermodynamics may be radically different for a 15kpsi 45 ACP load vse a 30+ kpsi 9mm load, I don't think this holds as well.
All other things being equal, barrel length, gun weight, grip fit, powder type... , at constant power factor, I would expect felt recoil to be greater if you are using a bullet that needs more powder. If the bullet fit and finish (Diameter and jacketed, lead, plated) is the same, I would the correlation to be stronger. There are some second order effects that I am not accounting for. But I don't think anyone, not even Angus, could detect them.