One item I would like to be changed in IDPA is the requirement that DA/SA pistols like the CZ be started hammer down. The guns can safely be carried cocked and locked. This would place the guns in the same condition of carry as the Striker fired guns. Both designs would start with a light SA trigger pull. I would argue this would see an end to the Striker fired dominance of SSP division.
Beating the striker fired pistol shooters in IDPA hardly depends on needing that first shot to be SA. If you want to use that as your excuse, have at it.
You obviously have not spent much time in the sport. Aside from the hammer/striker issue there are others that tend to favour the polymer guns. Weight is one. Lighter guns can, for most, be drawn faster than heavier guns. Transitions from one target to another also, for most, can be done faster by lighter guns. Becaus e IDPA for the most part has fewer shooting positions than say IPSC/USPSA transition times between targets play a larger role in IDPA. Why? IDPA limits the amount of movement between shooting positions and total movement on a stage and the stages are shorter.
At any given IPSC Qualifier you might see one or two Glock/M&P's in evidence. Contrast that with any large USPSA match. The two significant differences in Production Division are 1) the 5# First shot rule and the fact Glock 34/35's are not allowed in IPSC Production Division. The latter is the lessor of the two influences. IPSC Production Division is dominated by CZ DA/SA guns - the Shadow in the main, and Tanfoglio DA/SA guns. At the IDPA US NAtionals last year there were exactly 12 SP-01 Shadows reported in the hands of competitors out of a total of 355 gun models reported. There were 133 Glock 34/17 and M&P PRO/FS 9MM models reported. Because I shoot CZ and M&P's in the main when I am not shooting revolver I tend to watch these stats. Over the past three years the nuber of CZ's has increased three fold. It wasn't that long ago when only 4 CZ's were logged in at the Nationals.
Alpha the rules of any sport often dictate the type of equipment used. What wins as well plays a major part in the selection of equipment by competitors. You can agree or not it is what it is.
I would not be surprised to see the rules address some of this. Some have suggested the present SSP/ESP Divisions be re-aligned into DA/SA, DAO, SA guns in one division and Striker Fired into another all shooting 125PF. Radical I know but doable. There is so little difference between SSP and ESP now some feel it maybe time for a reflection. We shall see.
Take Care
Ps It has nothing to do with excuses. I am way beyond worrying about the reasons why I don't finish higher than mid Sharpshooter in any Division I enter. I found peace with my shooting performances years ago. It is more about the fun factor and enjoying the moment.