All done. Went in with little drama. When I removed the front sight roll pin, it managed to go flying off and landed Goddess only knows where. Which was about what I expected, so I had spent the extra $1 and ordered a new roll pin when I ordered the bushing! The old bushing came out with a few taps of a hammer in a manner similar to everyone else. The new bushing just slid in by hand pressure only until about the last .01 or so, a gentle tap seated it. I had chilled it in the freezer for about 15 minutes, it was VERY cold. Drove the new roll pin in - the driven end is slightly bunged up, but not bad - then I went to re-assemble the pistol.
The barrel didn't want to go in until I gave it the tiniest tap with the plastic faced mallet and in it went. Am planning on taking it to the range tomorrow - although to be totally honest, I don't expect to see an real difference in my shooting as I'm still a relative beginner and the stock pistol shoots a lot better than I do!!
Oh, and I like the flange on the end of the new bushing, gives it some style!