Thanks for all the great suggestions. When I first picked it up it did look "lubed" up a lot more than my previous handguns. The first time at the range I had not cleaned it, but as I said, I did run a bore snake through it, from the inside of the chamber/barrel to the outside. I could see that I cleaned the loading ramp because it had looked somewhat dirty before I did that. Overall, that cleaning did not appear to make much of a difference. When I did clean the gun, I took it apart, per CZ's instructions and cleaned the barrel, slide, inside and out, and every exposed part I could get to. I then rubbed everything down with a Remington oil cloth (that leaves little, if any excess oil), and lightly put some white gun grease that I had ordered from the NRA on the slides and othe moving parts. Very lightly. After I put it back together it seemed to function as smoothly or better than before I cleaned it. I took both mags apart and cleaned the excess oil from the springs and inside walls of the mags. I loaded the 14 round mag with 14 FMJ 115gr Freedom Munitions new manufactured round nose ammo. The slide stuck in the same place as it did before I cleaned it. I pulled the slide back not more than a quarter of an inch and the round then loaded. I jacked that round out and the next one jammed just like the first one. Basically, same issue as when I was at the range. I did that three more times with the same results. At least a 20% fail to load. Although it was the Freedom Munitions ammo, it was their new, not remanufactureed ammo, which has not had any problems in any of my other handguns. Durning my tryout at the range I also used Lawman 115gr FMJ with the same results. Not sure what else to say. Maybe I got a Monday special. I have sent an email to CZ-USA to let them know about the issue. At this point, everyone's enthusiasm about their CZ's is heartening, but I do have to say that I am a little disillusioned. Still, I appreciate the help and comments from everyone!