White box wolf klimovsk has been rumored to have some batches that are mildly corrosive and presumably why wolf didn't brand it as official...
Tula is a little less "hot" ammo than barnual or golden tiger. But the price somewhat accounts for that. Arguably, the powder is a little dirtier too... I believe all of cabelas herters steel is tula, while all of academy's monarch steel is barnaul.
Main difference between the two for me is that barnaul is offered in lacquer cases as well as brass plate (golden bear) and zinc plate (silver bear, mfs, ruag) while tula is just the bimetal poly cases (brown bear is also largely bimetal polymer too now and rarely lacquer coated these days). But all monarch steel 7.62x39 at academy I've seen has been lacquered fwiw.
Afaik, Barnaul is current military supplier for 7.62x39; that said, all russian ammo factories seem to supply at least some ammo to russian military -- Barnaul, Vympel, Ulyanovsk, Novosibirsk, Tula, etc.
For instance, check out Novo/LVE's website; they make "military" 9x18 mak ammo, 7.62x54R ammo, and 12.7mm (effectively russian .50 bmg) ammo and the rest is all "hunting":
http://www.lveplant.ru/pages_en.php?id=06BUT, not all bear ammo has always been made by barnaul, including in 7.62x39:
http://www.ar15.com/content/page.html?id=268So it's really just a matter of checking headstamps for each case/box you buy and keeping an eye on it over time... Heck, even the Hornady SST steel case ammo (best guess barnaul since lacquering seems to match and 7.62x39 stamping appears the same, hornady has hsc stamp whereas barnaul lacquer has barnaul stamp at top; and barnaul sells a line of ammo w/ hornady bullets) is made w/ russian steel cases (sst 7.62x39 being lacquered) and berdan (presumably russian) primers.
Also, TulAmmo owns both Tula and Uly factories per luckygunner:
http://www.luckygunner.com/brands/tula-ammo#review Interesting, since Tula makes no bear ammo, but uly does/has -- perhaps before tula purchased? If I recall it was relatively recently. And part of the reason the 8M1, 8M2, and 8M3 "effect" projectiles are no longer made by ULY, bullet standardization across the brand.
I like the hornady sst for game like deer and/or home defense; it's not lacquer coated on primer and I haven't pulled a bullet to examine for any asphalt (no lacquer) but guessing it's not sealed as detrimental for accuracy.
For zombies, I'd personally stock up on the barnaul lacquer soft points, and golden tiger in 7.62x39. Something lighter like 5.56 or even 22lr would allow a lot better shot to weight ratio and probably perform better on decaying zombie heads...

Golden tiger is more accurate and hotter (expanding effective range), while the barnaul lacquer soft points are probably the best terminal performing projectile on a benefit per cost basis... Golden tiger ammo is fully sealed as well; but both being lacquer means both should remain reliable barring full submersion (not that you can't seal primer and necks on your own w/ lacquer if so inclined) -- non-lacquered steel cases do not resist high-humidity exposure, let alone elements exposure very well over time.
Reliability then accuracy are the primary two criteria for me. Then projectile terminal performance third...
Close quarters, both are acceptable.
At greater/unknown ranges, I'd lean towards golden tiger. Perhaps keep a mag of soft points loaded, and if needing to engage at a longer range, distance should allow a switch to gt...
Basically, Golden Tiger FMJ is a close copy of the Uly EM2 bullet (believe Uly made the military 7.62x39 ammo before barnaul received the latest contract), which is an optimized version of the M67 FMJ projectile. Similarly 8M2 was intended to do for the FMJ projectile what the more well known 8M3 HP did for the steel case HP performance...
EDIT: Golden Tiger ammo also has flash suppressant, which the Hornady does as well. I haven't found any "bear" ammo yet to have it, but the "Mil-spec barnaul" SG is selling right now should, though SG didn't know for certain... Then again, barnaul isn't always bear...
Cross-sectioned GT ammo.

*I haven't seen the Golden Tiger soft points ever, and the HPs very rarely...