Not sure that scrub brush attachment is milspec...
Throughout the 80s, 90s, and even into the early 2000s/GWOT, it wasn't uncommon for America's finest, including Special Operations soldiers, to attach accessories to their M16s/4s with duct tape, unfortunately. First sopmod kit came about mid-90s I believe. Note my preceding comment on the expiration of the Clinton AWB.
Regardless of milspec, high speed tape is always authentic...
Lol. Have you not paid attention to the design on the SR762? Or the SR556?
AR's blow up or will lot run in water? That is complete nonsense. Mine has been soaking wet on a number of occasions and it shoots without any problems. Do you think the SEALs use Mk12s and Mk18s because they don't work in wet environments? No. I am fairly sure they dunk them in the ocean just like all of their other guns and those are both AR designs.
Speaking of the Mk18 mod 2....It is also used by the U.S. Coast Guard's Tactical Law Enforcement Teams, Maritime Safety and Security Teams, and Maritime Security Response Team and the United States Navy's Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Operators. It is also used by Marine Force Recon's CQB operators, and is in most cases the standard weapons of choice for said operators. Do you think those guys do not get them wet?? Surely the US Navy and US Coast Guard are never around water.
ARs don't penetrate urban barriers? Have you shot an AR loaded with M855 SS109 in this lifetime??
ARs won't run dirty? More nonsense. See the mud test above. Without crazy conditions like those I have gone months without cleaning my AR and it runs without any hangups whatsoever. If finished in Black T or RF85, they even run without lube (as in completely dry).
DI ARs can explode the upper receiver if water is in the gas system.
Any AR with standard buffer tube extension w/ one hole on rear face cannot properly if under water.
Any .22 cal gun w/ bullet in chamber can have a water seal in the barrel which can result in barrel bursting.
You are correct that piston ARs have less problems with water in action, but that system comes with weight and accuracy penalties vs DI.
Note my earlier comments re: water in the system to MeatAxe's comments as well.
One round of 5.56 will not penetrate as well as one round of 7.62x39 against most intermediate barriers, that's a fact.
No weapon should be intentionally abused like not cleaning or running without lube. It's like running your car engine with no oil or the cheapest oil. Just b/c you can doesn't mean you should. And no dry films and special coatings do not provide same level of protection to metal on metal wear as they would with the addition of lube.
As with most things, there's tradeoffs. Understand them and decide accordingly. Don't reject them b/c you don't like the facts.