Don't stop with just striker fired. Maybe it will be full modular like the SIG 320, so that you could buy one firing group and fit it in a compact, medium, or full size frame, then have 3", 4", and 5" slides?
All I care about is the barrel and lock up in the slide just before that little striker thing "strikes".
If it has CZ ergonomics and CZ mechanical lock up, striker is OK with me, especially if it makes CZ more competitive in the world market. Striker fired may not be my preference, but I was wrong about polymer, I am prepared to be wrong about striker guns, I mean CZ striker guns. I can't even hold a Glock.
The engineer in me can't wait to see what CZ has created. The shooter in me is still tied up trying to learn to shoot the hammer guns, and doesn't need another distraction, LOL.