I conceal my 75 compct in shorts and a t shirt and don't think a shorter grip is needed. Maybe look into weather or not your holster is the issue.
Hi I am using the Lighttuck from Vedder (all kydex). I can conceal the Springfield XDS (4.0" height) with no print at all. So I was saying if the current 5" grip can be reduced to 4.5", that would be awesome for me. I have no problem with the width (after switching to VZ grips) at all.
. Reason being huge liability if I had to use it. I don't know what lawyers/prosecutors would come up with to make me look bad in front of the jury for using a modified gun to shoot somebody. Of course this is just hypothetically speaking but who knows.
There have been a total of zero prosecutions for modified guns or hand loaded ammunition in the US. As far as civil suits you are just as likely to be sued carrying a stock firearm. Burden of proof would be on the person suing you. Can figure shooting that is justified will still cost you $10'000 for defending yourself either way.
Numbers from predominant attorney here that does a LOT of gun related things.
From what I understand and I could be wrong, when you have some insurance, the other party could sue you not because you were guilty (let say you were not), but if they made it sound like it was an accident under pressure due to light trigger pull (or whatever) fron the XYZ modifications, they might very well have a good CIVIL case and your insurance would likely to settle out of court. I think this is very likely to happen. They are not after you, but the money.
I would love to hear from an attorney on here if he's willing to chime in though.