Are you going to give up and clean it now?
My SA is at 2557 rounds, almost entirely 125 grain lead reloads. It has had 3 malfunctions, all ammo-related.
1) At about 400 rounds: FTE caused by an undersized case rim. We saved the case and measured the rim. After that, I took a hair off the extractor pad. No issues since.
2) At about 1100 rounds: A stovepipe from a load undercharged by potentially as much as .6 grains thanks to Lee's crappy Auto-drum powder measure I was using at the time. I knew I had some undercharged loads in that batch and was surprised the CZ only had a single malfunction as a result.
3) At about 1300 rounds: Failure to feed a round with a severely dinged case mouth. It would not fit into the chamber with the gouge oriented in the position it happened to be as the round tried to feed. Later, I discovered this was caused by the Lee expander plug. The Lee plug doesn't always obviously completely ruin a case when a case doesn't center. It can produce a more subtle gouge deep enough that can't be ironed out by seating and crimping. I wonder how often this has happened before. Serious match shooters check all their reloads in gauges, presumably to rule out this kind of thing.
Overall, pretty impressive considering we use mixed brass with more than 20 different headstamps.