With some great striker-fire pistols hitting the market recently...I think CZ may have shot themselves in the foot by not getting the P10C out ahead of them, as I assume was originally planned.
While the new Beretta APX does not float my boat...it is a good looking pistol (I even dig the slide serrations), but the back strap, disassembly, and "modular" frame swap quirks are just Meh for me.
Now, today FN announced their FN 509... this one, I am liking!
I have a FNS-9 and it is a sweet shooter, and from what I have seen and read the 509 will be even better... of course, I will have to see what others say in due time.
But I am thinking the funds I set aside for a P10C will now go towards the 509...which is "supposedly" due in stores by the end of the month.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vPUq9h55kw...just thought I would put my 2cents out there!