So, a longer term follow up on my FIRST P07 which had an atrocious trigger. Remember - it stacked miserably, it was EXTREMELY gritty, and it felt like it was well over 15 LBS. It was felling much better after a trip to CZ to replace the hammer and disconnector. It had been polished (trigger bar - mostly the side). With several hundred more rounds, it was getting very good.
Friday I took it down to put in the SR kit. I 'found' the 7th page of the sticky thread, and so I paid special attention to the REAR of the trigger bar. I also polished most of the pins (trigger, sear, hammer). Now, as I put it together, I was amazed. No stacking and smooth as butter. Admittedly I an running a 15 LB spring, but so far it is good with Tula/Wolf primers so it is GTG.
So... what started out as a rotten trigger, is now amazing - it CAN be done.
I'm starting to feel confident that almost any crappy P series trigger can be made very good to excellent.
Unrelated, but I might understand WHY CZ put the huge (but hard to reach) SS/SR on these guns. To make the decocker a convertible safety, the lever had to rotate down and be forward, unlike the P01. This makes it VERY hard for those without orangutan thumbs to activate the SR. So... you do it with the weak had thumb right after slamming the mag in the gun. Its a tad slower than an easy to reach SR, but it is MUCH better than shifting the grip to get at around the decocker and activating the lever. By being LARGE, it is easy to hit with the ff-hand thumb at speed.