The guns (.40 S&W P07 and 9MM P09) are more accurate than I am. I need two things. More practice and much, much more exercise. I'm out of shape and it's my fault. I get tired much too quickly at the range.
My best groups have been with the P09 9MM. My .40 S&W is close, but not exactly like the P09 on paper. You have to realize that you can buy two identical pistols and one will be more, or less, accurate than the other one. I have a P09 in .40 S&W that is not as accurate as the .40 S&W P07 or the 9MM P09. It just isn't, from the factory, the equal of the P07. Could it be with different loads? Maybe. I've not spent the time to try to develop a .40 S&W load just for that P09. If I decide, some day, to sacrifice a .40 S&W CZ pistol and spend the money for a .357 SIG conversion, it would be that P09.
May not be great by target/competition comparison but so far above what my Glock, XDM and M&P pistols (and the lone Browning) I own and used to shoot that all those guns "live" in a safe these days.
The first target is the P07 at 12 yds. with Nosler 135 grain HPs over a charge of Blue Dot (lots of BANG, lots of FLASH and the empties fly 12 or 15 ft. if I don't get close to the screen between the tables so the empties can bounce off it and fall near me). There are two holes not with the other 11 and those are my fault. I called the one straight down (knew it would be low when the hammer dropped) and the one low/left was me chasing a bumble bee that flew across the front of the target (sort of a reflex from years ago).
After seeing what this pistol will do, I wouldn't change it to .357 SIG if it was cheap and easy to do so.
This next picture was the P09 9MM. I shot the first two shots, couldn't figure out why I only had one hole. Couldn't figure out how I missed the whole darn target. Shot the third shot and the hole was enough bigger to see that it was now a 3 shot hole. Then I got the shakes and really struggled to force myself to take the next shot. Took several tries as it just would not get "good enough" to squeeze the trigger. Never steady enough, never lined up just right, never "good enough" to squeeze the trigger. I don't think I took a picture of the whole 20 shot group as it was ugly after I gave up and just started squeezing the trigger. I've never just fallen apart like that before. I just took too much time thinking about how awesome that group was going to be and that can be a bad thing.
Both targets were offhand and 12 yds. with iron sights and both were the first trip to the range with each pistol. Now, with the RMR on the P09 those 115 grain hollow points strike POA, exactly.
How can you not like a gun that shoots well? Regardless of the caliber.