Picked this up a couple of weeks ago, installed the ILWT tri-lug barrel and HBI Micro K handguard last weekend, bone stock fcg, first range trip today.
On the first 20rd mag the first 2 rounds fired just fine, round 3 was a click with no bang. Primer showed no sign of a firing pin strike. Tried to fire the remainder of the mag and went through this with at least 7 more rounds. Never got more than 2 rounds fired before another FTFire. Next I tried with a 30rd mag and eventually got off 10-12 in a row then back to the same problem.
All the rounds showed a lack of firing pin strike. None ejected when the charging handle was worked and even when hand cycled the extractor wouldn't grab the round. Multiple attempts to get a primer strike by recharging and releasing the bolt didn't work. Ammo used was Blazer Brass that worked 100% in my Rami, P-07, P-09 and Ruger Blackhawk.
My first thought was the hammer peening was causing the problem but based on the pics and threads I've seen here, that most likely isn't the issue (but I can post the pics if necessary).
Now I'm wondering if it's a firing pin safety problem or a chamber issue? I'm not new to semi-autos but I am new to the Scorpion. Is there anything else that could cause this that I'm not thinking of?
Any and all help is appreciated, thanks!