I would never stipple a gun. It almost destroys the value of said gun. You can put a Talon Grip on it and get just as good a grip and it is removable. Whenever I see an ad for a gun that has been stippled, I just move on. JMHO
Well... that depends entirely on how one defines "value."
If value is simply resale value then, sure, you have a point.
That is not at all how I ascribe value to pistols I use, though. Value in that case is what kind of benefit I get from the upgrades/mods as a shooter. Collectible/heirloom guns are, of course, another story... but those are not for
Also, to say you get just as good a grip with Talon grips as a quality stippling job, also, implies a certain level of "grippiness" is sufficient for you - from my experience, that mean grippiness on the lower to mid-level of the spectrum. The texturing on the P-10c from the factory is considered by many to be too aggressive - for me it is ok but not as aggressive as I would prefer for a serious use gun. On the P-07/P-09 it is another story entirely - those guns are almost as slick as a Gen 3 Glock. Get them wet and it's like shooting buttered bananas!
In fairness, I
would be very picky about buying a stippled or modded gun. I would want to who did the work. I have certain standards and preferences that pretty much always steer me to buying new or nearly stock used and then putting the work into them that I want from people I trust to to do the work right. It would depend on the use case I had for the gun, though. Fun guns have a much more lenient standard to satisfy

Bottom line for me, though, is that I do not buy guns with the intention of ever selling them - I buy them as tools or toys to use and keep. I view money put into upgrades in much the same way that I view ammo costs - they are part of the expense of actually running the gun.