Shooting low/left sounds like you're jerking the trigger,and you may possibly may need to put more finger on the trigger, I'd try dry firing at home on a target with a single dot on it, taped up on a wall somewhere in the house. Watch your front sight when pulling the trigger, if you see it dip, even just a little, try pulling the trigger a little slower the next time, eventually, you'll find that happy medium where the front sight dosen't move. It may be slower than you want, but speed will come with practice, after all, you have to start somewhere. Practice for a few minutes a day if you can, 5 to10 minutes at the most, a day is better than longer periods, Do this for a couple of weeks,Then go to the range for some live fire you should see an improvement.. DA/SA guns are great for exposing trigger control issues, and can also help you correct them. A person who can shoot DA/SA well, will be able to shoot just about any pistol well, trigger control is the single most important thing to shooting pistols well.