Author Topic: New P-07  (Read 13858 times)

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Offline DOC 1500

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Re: New P-07
« Reply #75 on: December 22, 2019, 07:40:57 PM »
I think for the most part you pay more you get more , you Payless you got to
 "do a little work " to get it to where you want it. And yes I have a po7 and a po9.
I had to work at making them nice as far as triggers go.
Since my recent purchases of S&W stainless steel 3rd gen semi-autos, S&W 40 and 45ACP ,
I am no longer a polymer fan.
CZ , You get what you pay for or you have to work for it.
Those of you that own S&W 3rd gen semi-autos know what I'm talking about.
There is just no comparison in the trigger.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 08:33:48 PM by DOC 1500 »
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Offline Indy_Tim

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Re: New P-07
« Reply #76 on: December 22, 2019, 09:39:37 PM »
It does seem like CZ has taken their eye off the ball recently in regards to OOB trigger feel but not in an irredeemable way.  Of the 4 P07s and 2 P09s, the triggers do vary a bunch but even the worst of them is decent enough OOB to be ‘good enough’.  The P10S I picked up this fall actually has a very good trigger and it’s one of the few guns that will get nothing in the way of tweaks before carry.  The new P07 has a decent trigger and while it’s not the best by any means while dry firing it, it’s really pretty good under live fire.

Kind of like how a Glock trigger feels like utter crap when dry fired but is not bad with live fire.  I don’t base my carry choice on what the triggers feel like with dry fire but how well I can shoot with live ammo.  This is just my opinion and I’m not recommending anyone else follows my lead but this is working for me.  Ignore dry fire feel and judge based on live fire experience.  The two are not always aligned as you would imagine them to be.

Offline briang2ad

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Re: New P-07
« Reply #77 on: December 23, 2019, 09:49:37 PM »
I don’t base my carry choice on what the triggers feel like with dry fire but how well I can shoot with live ammo.

I basically agree and there is some truth to this.  Also, I've noticed that as soon as you start shooting plastic guns the heat makes them smoother.  I just naturally shoot the P07 and P9 so well, its hard to replace them so I won't. 

But one thing in dry fire that can help determine it - too much overtravel will mean it will be harder to shoot well - especially with a heavy trigger pull.  Overtravel is MUCH more important than things like reset. 

Which brings up another important point:  It takes about 500 rounds or more to KNOW you will shoot the gun well - at least that much.  If it is a gun you need to tweak (like the P series or any CZ really) it is more.  Don't fool yourself at the gun shop or renting one for 100 rounds.  If you aren't rich, this means shooting a friends' gun.

Offline Indy_Tim

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Re: New P-07
« Reply #78 on: December 24, 2019, 08:13:07 AM »
I don’t base my carry choice on what the triggers feel like with dry fire but how well I can shoot with live ammo.

I basically agree and there is some truth to this.  Also, I've noticed that as soon as you start shooting plastic guns the heat makes them smoother.  I just naturally shoot the P07 and P9 so well, its hard to replace them so I won't. 

But one thing in dry fire that can help determine it - too much overtravel will mean it will be harder to shoot well - especially with a heavy trigger pull.  Overtravel is MUCH more important than things like reset. 

Which brings up another important point:  It takes about 500 rounds or more to KNOW you will shoot the gun well - at least that much.  If it is a gun you need to tweak (like the P series or any CZ really) it is more.  Don't fool yourself at the gun shop or renting one for 100 rounds.  If you aren't rich, this means shooting a friends' gun.

You are spot on with the round count to get the feel for a gun.  This has been the cause of both joy and pain over the years of gun ownership.  Joy in that when you shoot a gun a lot and you get that comfortable feeling that it’s become an extension of you.  Hard to describe but there are some guns that after several hundred rounds, just click with me.

Pain comes when the gun you were so excited to buy just never clicks.  You shoot and shoot but it just doesn’t ever get to that level of being an extension of you.  Sure, it might be fun to shoot but you know that after 500 or so rounds, it’s not ‘the one’.

The P07 platform took a while for me to warm up to.  A buddy was selling a nicely tuned one and I bought it without any plans on shooting it much, thinking that it would just be a backup.  I didn’t shoot it much for the first 2 years I had it.  It was the gun I took when teaching new shooters how to shoot.  Funny thing was that everyone came away liking that gun over any others that I had, so I started to shoot it more and it clicked with me.  Now, I have 4 of them plus 2 P09s and am planning on picking up a P07 airsoft to play with in the basement.

The G19 was the opposite.  I bought one thinking that I’d love it.  Then I bought a second one.  I kept telling myself that if I shot it a lot, I’d come to love it but after about 800 rounds it never happened.  Both were traded away with no regrets of their departure.