No fotos shot today but testet the above mentioned FP2 (length above firing stop 0,75mm = 0.02952 inches).
So she rear shoulder is less shortened than on FP1. The front shoulder and everything else on the pin is original and new. It is just not hitting the barrel end with its chissel tip. The FP
spring is the shortened one i used all the time.
I shot 4 cartons of 50 bullets. One and two hand grip. Clean pistol and FP channel. 20 lbs. HSpring plus the spacer for higher pre-load.
Started with the 50 Blazer. The slide stayed not open one time. 3 FTFire. In the next box of CCI sv 3 FTFire, 2 times slide failiure and a stove pipe. Same ammo third box, one closing slide on the last round again and 2 stove pipes. The fourth box Blazer 5 FTFire.
The strikes are still too light. The longer end through a shortened backstop shoulder is not helpfull. Thought of ordering the extra power hammer springs from wolff / but then the slide maybe has even more to work against the hammer. And causes FTFire and may be more stove pipes. No stronger hammer spring or a thinner or no spacer would help the slide to work. The stovies are a little surprising because i expected them to be settled once and for all with the mod of the ejector, and confirmed with 2000 shots. My be the pre stressed HS is to blame.
Next check will be the new all original FP. Will not be surprised having FTfire and other issues.
But shooting the kadet is still fun and helping to cultivate my skills.
A prolonged FP with more over all length could be usefull. Designed to reach the brass earlyer but not to hit the barrel. Short enough not to activate the rim with a gun accidentially falling down on the hammer. That or the xtra power hammer springs are the next theorys to try to get a reliable kadet. Or another hammer. Because the shadow 1 hammer is possibly different (in weight) to the regular CZ 75 hammer ?