Softened the corners at the reshaped to smaler hit areas on the two modified FP`s and went testing today. That is the
new imprint (FP 2 on CCI sv) :
The hit area on the two modified FP´s could get shrinked down a little bit more and away from the strong rim ?
50 CCI sv and no ftfire, but two times the slide did not deliver a new round. One time he did also not stay open on the last round. Next pack 50 Blazers with one ftfire and on time slide not delivering the next round.
Changed to FP1 and finished a box of CCI sv with two ftfire and two slide delivering ammo errors.
Breech face after 150 rounds
I had checked the cleaned chamber at home. A live round just droped in by its weight. Now after 150 shots i checked it again and there was a certain hesitation to go in the last bit. Not much, but a little resistance on the last milimeters.. I cleaned the chamber and the breach face. The round went in without any drag.
Went on with the fourth box, 50 CCI sv again. One ftfire, missing two rounds in the chamber by slide (mag) failiure after the shot, one emty case was not extracted of the chamber and one stove pipe.
The next 50 Blazers went with just two ftfire in the black part of the target 25 meters away. Forgot to put on my shooting glases, and was positively surprised with a nice grouping with my regular glases
Some conclusions:
The hit area on the two modified FP´s could get shrinked down a little bit more away from the rim ?
Because of the slide failures i assume the spacer under the hammer spring beeing to high. I will check the two modified FP`s just with the regular hammerspring and remove the spacer or thin it down a little bit more.
Extra power wolff gunsprings hammer springs are on the long way from the US to overseas.
I run a SA trigger. To put in the original DA trigger could be a thing to try.
A self made over all little bit longer and may be heavier FP is on my wish list. Will see if i need to realise it.
To read up on how measuring the headspace an what are the right data could be a path to go too.
New hit marks on Blazer ammo
Most ftfires went on the second strike but that Blazer needed some arm (-ed) twisting