I'm happy with mine as they are.
Most of them are better, out of the box, that other pistols I've bought before my first CZ or in the last few months when I've wasted money trying to find something that shoots even better (XD 5", M&P 5", couple of FNS pistols and extra slides). No luck with any of those, yet. Yet, means I'm spending even more money for upgraded triggers/barrels/sights, etc. and still not up to CZ levels.
You know, it would be nice if CZ offered (and I'm not the first one to say it) a sub compact version of the P07/P09 line. One of the FNS pistols I bought was a Compact. Ten rounds of .40 S&W in a much smaller package than the P07 with 12 rounds of .40. For states with a 10 round limit, the additional grip length of the P07 is wasted when you have to stick a 10 round magazine in it (and the 9MM is even worse, you stick a 10 round magazine in a mag well made for 15 or 16 rounds.
And, how about a compact, or even sub compact in .45 acp?