Wow! Thank you very much, each respondent. Absolutely great information. I love my CZ, and I hope to own others in the future. The article on Max OAL for the CZ was an eye opener. I’ve loaded for this pistol for about five years, but almost exclusively Berry’s 115gr plated, and some 124gr, which have all functioned with zero failures so far. As the Bullet Issues post stated, I actually did purchase the lead bullets recently when plated were hard to locate and prohibitively expensive.
In the end, the gun disassembled more easily than I expected. Liberal application of WD40 directly to the case head, draining muzzle-down overnight, followed by a gentle push back on the slide against the work bench (beyond which a safe back stop) freed the slide. Locked open, a tap on a plastic cleaning rod removed the cartridge.
Barrel muzzle-down on the bench, a comparison between a factory round and the offending round showed significant failure-to-headspace. The shape of the lead bullets is more rounded vs the Berry’s somewhat more pointed shape. Lesson learned. Much to study and apply to my reloading.
Thank you all again. I’ll be back.