Okay, it took me some time, but I'm coming with an update
So yesterday I went to the range. I shot 35 rounds of S&B 124grain and whoops - failure to feed. It could be random, but I started thinking.
Let me start with the fact (I mentioned it in the original post), that I have some things changed in the gun:
* trigger spring
* sear spring
* firing pin spring
* recoil spring
and the guide rodI forgot the guide rod part. So I bought this kit:
https://b2b.eemann.tech/et-cz-75-ts/5035-eemann-techupgrade-kit-for-cz-75-ts.html. I didn't use all the parts (e.g. I didn't change the trigger). It comes witht this 9lbs recoil spring and a guide rod - that's what I used back when I was having FTFs every round. And, as I mentioned earlier, I took out the recoil spring and put their other ones - like this one:
https://b2b.eemann.tech/eemann-tech/1444-2844-eemann-tech-competition-recoil-spring-for-cz.html#/58-spring_weight-13_lbs. But this was like 2 months ago. And before you ask: I don't really have access to CGW parts where I live in (pain).
So yesterday I took the factory guide rod + recoil spring (and a buffer) with me. Just to see if maybe the recoil spring is the culprit (I didn't think much about the guide rod). After the aforementioned failure to feed happened, I took out the short guide rod + the 13lbs recoil spring from Eemann Tech from the gun and put the original ones (factory full length guide rod and factory recoil spring that came on it). And the FTFs stopped. I shot like over 150 rounds in that configuration with no issues (I even changed the ammo that was even more problematic with the previous setup - limit.cz).
And I started wondering - is it the full length guide rod or the spring? Or the fact that the springs are different. Let me show you how everything looks like:
Factory guide rod (full length)
Factory recoil spring:
Factory guide rod + factory recoil spring: (the springs hangs onto the rod, doesn't fall)
Eemann Tech steel guide rod:
Eemann Tech buffer: (notice the small flap)
Eemann Tech guide rod + Eemann Tech competition recoil spring (13lbs)
Eemann Tech guide rod + Eemann Tech competition recoil spring (13lbs) again (there's nothing holding the spring to the rod)
Guide rod + springs compared (top - factory, bottom - eemann tech):
Recoil springs compared:
Okay, that's a lot of images, I'm sorry, I just wanted to show it all. So the most interesting thing, I guess, it the comparison betwen guide rods and springs itself. Obviously the factory guide rod is full length and the one I have is short. The big difference between the factory recoil spring and the Eemann Tech ones is the fact that the factory one kinda comes together just a tiny bit on one end which makes it harder to put on the guide rod (at the end) - you have to force it (or if you're taking it down, you have to pull, it won't fall off). None of the other springs have it.
So the page for the
white recoil spring (which I have been using till yesterday) says:
The Eemann Tech competition recoil spring has been specially designed for:
CZ 75 B, CZ 85 B, CZ 75 SP-01/Tactical/Shadow/Shadow2/Tactical Sports/Tactical Sports2
Also this spring fits all CZ 75 pistols with long Recoil Spring Guide rods.
In my mind, this doesn't mean that they actually require having a long guide rod in TS2 to make this spring work. Especially since they provide it in a kit for Tactical Sports.
Here you can even see the tutorial of the guys from Eemann Tech installing a buffer for TS and they have the short guide rod there.
Okay, now I've shown everything, I want to ask you a question
Well, what should I do? I know I can use the factory guide rod + spring but if I ever want to change something (like the spring, for example), then I have no options, but just buying straight from CZ (to get that "bottlenecked" type). Is there something I am doing wrong with those 3rd party parts? Because it seems it should be working, but it's not. Maybe I should buy the full length guide rod from Eemann Tech and try their springs on it?
BTW - I tried putting the Eemann Tech spring (the white one) on the factory guide rod - I had a FTF each round. A different one actually - usually I can see the round by looking at the top of the gun (like half an inch). Here, the slide was almost closed - kinda like OOB, but I'm afraid I could actually fire it (didn't test it obviously, unloaded immediately).
In the end, I don't know. Is it the length of the guide rod? The length of the spring? Or the fact that the factory spring latches itself onto the factory guide rod? Or maybe a mixture of some of those?
I know this is a very long post, again, I'm sorry. I'd really appreciate some insight, because I'm a babe in the woods here