Author Topic: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?  (Read 23391 times)

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Online MeatAxe

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #60 on: June 10, 2024, 05:45:19 PM »
I don't base my purchasing decisions on "stereotypes". Like I said I still have my cz custom guns.. An ao1ld and a 97b.

My P30L with gray gun bits shoots really well. My time and splits with it are on avg the same as when I shot my pcr. My vp9 match is phenomenal... I love it.

Just to be clear.. I dont dislike cz guns but from reading all the complaints on this forum I felt it's better to get rid of them now while people still want them.

Have you noticed the surge of new members coming in to just complain? Then the older members jump in and don't make it any better. If things get better I'll consider buying from CZ again.

“The Airing of Grievances” is to be encouraged on these boards, especially when there are legitimate grievances to be aired. That’s the beauty of the interwebs - the power of free speech, dissemination of information and communication, instantly across vast distances and populations.

This is definitely a legitimate grievance, especially among the thousands upon thousands of die hard  CZ enthusiasts in the civilian markets. The hope is that CZ UB has enough sense to listen to their loyal customer base and make prompt improvements accordingly. The fact that this problem prompted you to switch brands and unload all of your CZs should tell them something. Good customer service should go without saying, it’s what any company is SUPPOSED to do.  But bad will from the customer base due to endemically crappy cs is amplified exponentially over the internet and is bound to effect sales negatively.

At any rate, today I finally got notice from CZ USA that they charged my credit card, 9 weeks after the fact. During that time. a few of my parts went out of stock. At any rate, we shall see if they actually deliver. Of note, I see that CZ USA parts are now coming out of CT instead of KC — not a good sign.

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« Last Edit: June 10, 2024, 06:05:47 PM by MeatAxe »

Offline specialk0449

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #61 on: June 12, 2024, 01:29:19 PM »
I want to post an update for those people who placed parts orders with CZ USA. I placed an order on April 11th for a 75B matte stainless steel slide stop. According to the website the part was in stock. The next day the order status was marked “staging” and my credit card was charged for the amount of the purchase. About 2 weeks later the credit charge disappeared from my online statement. On June 7th I received a notification from my credit company that the charge was posted on my credit card. I received an email from CZ USA the same day that my order was being shipped to my home address via FedEx. The FedEx tracking number indicated it was being shipped from Kansas City. When the package arrived today it was from Kansas City not Hartford, CT.

I thought along with many of you that all CZ parts had been sent to Hartford from KC several months ago and the KC facility was shut down. Believing my April order was somehow lost, I placed the another order on May 27th. The next day it was marked “staging” and a few days later my credit card charge disappeared. All of this is very strange to say the least. Any updates from others would be appreciated.

Offline armoredman

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #62 on: June 12, 2024, 02:05:16 PM »
I don't know. What I do know is some parts, especially for BREN 2 rifles, are being diverted from the factory to Ukraine, in fact, a new assembly facility is being built in Ukraine to assemble BREN 2 rifles, full blown manufacture in the future.
I do know some downstream shops are also having difficulty getting CZ parts, businesses, so it's not just us. I don't know whether to blame it on the war in Eastern Europe or something else, it could be a bunch of oddities all at the same time.
Now I CAN say I did have an order go through very quickly recently, so maybe things are improving.

Online MeatAxe

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #63 on: June 12, 2024, 02:57:19 PM »
I don't know. What I do know is some parts, especially for BREN 2 rifles, are being diverted from the factory to Ukraine, in fact, a new assembly facility is being built in Ukraine to assemble BREN 2 rifles, full blown manufacture in the future.
I do know some downstream shops are also having difficulty getting CZ parts, businesses, so it's not just us. I don't know whether to blame it on the war in Eastern Europe or something else, it could be a bunch of oddities all at the same time.
Now I CAN say I did have an order go through very quickly recently, so maybe things are improving.

It’s seems silly for them to be setting up a Bren 2 factory inside the Ukraine, where it would be within the reach of Russia and subject to air strikes, artillery and missile attack. Better to whisk them safely across the border from CZ UB. Better yet, they should be taking thousands of Colt M4s — that’s one of the few things that Colt Management is supposedly good at - mass production for military contracts. It’s all on the US Taxpayers’ teat, anyway. Might as well have a US company benefit from all of Uncle Sugar’s largesse.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 04:44:24 PM by MeatAxe »

Offline cz_shooter_24

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #64 on: June 12, 2024, 04:24:27 PM »
Yep. Placed an order for an in stock part on 4.3.24.
Received email confirmation and card was charged.
My online account no longer works, so I can't login to check an order.
CZ tried emailing me a password reset link, twice now. It didn't work.
Called them 3 times. (waiting each time for 45-60 minutes) because there is no online chat working.
Just got off the phone now. Once again I was given an excuse on why the order hasn't shipped. Part is in stock according to the CR.
CR told me that they would push my order to the warehouse to pick and ship tomorrow. Heard that before.
Extremely frustrated.

Online MeatAxe

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #65 on: June 13, 2024, 07:57:21 AM »
I want to post an update for those people who placed parts orders with CZ USA. I placed an order on April 11th for a 75B matte stainless steel slide stop. According to the website the part was in stock. The next day the order status was marked “staging” and my credit card was charged for the amount of the purchase. About 2 weeks later the credit charge disappeared from my online statement. On June 7th I received a notification from my credit company that the charge was posted on my credit card. I received an email from CZ USA the same day that my order was being shipped to my home address via FedEx. The FedEx tracking number indicated it was being shipped from Kansas City. When the package arrived today it was from Kansas City not Hartford, CT.

I thought along with many of you that all CZ parts had been sent to Hartford from KC several months ago and the KC facility was shut down. Believing my April order was somehow lost, I placed the another order on May 27th. The next day it was marked “staging” and a few days later my credit card charge disappeared. All of this is very strange to say the least. Any updates from others would be appreciated.

No - CZ USA in KC is no longer in control of CZ USA parts / customer service.

There may be some functionaries / flunkies in KC physically packing up what few parts are in stock and tossing them in the mail occasionally, but the command and control of CZ parts / customer service in the US is clearly under the greasy thumbs of Colt Management in Hartford, CT (I can see it in the email strings as CZ USA CS flails about with my order - ongoing for over 2 months now, failing miserably). So there’s a built-in disconnect between CZ USA in KC and COLT-cz in CT.

Good job, CZ UB and Colt Management!
« Last Edit: June 13, 2024, 08:12:42 AM by MeatAxe »


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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #66 on: June 13, 2024, 12:30:13 PM »
I'm back (reborn)
So did the mods remove your suspension early or did you open another membership?

Offline Whereisit

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #67 on: June 13, 2024, 01:50:13 PM »
Was banned for life because I offered to sell a part to someone. I was not aware this was an issue.

I made a new account to inform you guys of how I was able to get my parts shipped.

This account will most likely get banned now but I wanted to come back and report my findings.

Good luck and remember, Jacob is worth emailing to get resolution to the issue.

I don't think it was for life. It said 30-day moderation in the post he made.

Online MeatAxe

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #68 on: June 13, 2024, 02:25:38 PM »
I'm back (reborn) and just wanted to let you guys know that I have received all 4 orders I placed with CZ-USA since 5/31 and all have delivered via FedEx from Kansas City, KS.

Jacob Cheney <> has been instrumental in assisting with getting these orders out in a timely fashion.

So, there may be some crap going on there but he is top notch.

Good luck to all........

Yes, I finally received the majority of my order today, 9 weeks on. However, kudos to Jacob in KC and Anna with Colt in CT for getting the order to me. Hopefully, the parts / customer service for CZ USA is back on track, as it has been previously before the last year or two…

…however, though the various parts for 3 different guns were package in small individual zip lock bags, none of the bags had any printed identification as to what was the part was for, which is going to be a PITA when it comes to identifying the part. Granted, it’s better than what CZ USA did a few months ago, which was to throw multiple parts from multiple guns into a single plastic bag, with no identification whatsoever, which is a REAL PITA!!!  😡

So, while putting parts in unmarked plastic bags is somewhat of an improvement, IT’S STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! 😡
« Last Edit: June 14, 2024, 04:19:46 AM by MeatAxe »

Offline Grendel

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #69 on: June 18, 2024, 06:01:05 PM »
This is what I get when I try and log in as Renob

"Sorry Renob, you are banned from posting and sending personal messages on this forum.
selling with less than 25 posts and outside classifieds
This ban is not set to expire."

Well, now both accounts are subject to a full ban. The first one (on Renob) should have been set to expire after 30 days. Word to the wise, if you get a moderated ban (able to log in) and you think it’s wrong, email the admins using the webmaster link, and ask for a review.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2024, 06:41:11 PM by Grendel »
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Offline hdgolfer

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #70 on: June 22, 2024, 10:10:53 AM »
Just run across this post so, thought I'd share my recent experience. Placed an order 5/29. According to shipping policy I should have gotten my order within 5 days. On 6/5 I call to check on progress, account showed "staging". Rep said 500 in stock and take care of it immediately. On 6/12 order still shows "staging". Make another call and get the same response. On 6/18 order still shows "staging". That evening I sent a message to corporate in Czech. They responded the next morning saying I will hear from a US rep immediately. 6/20 I removed my payment from the account. Later that day they charged my card and then credited the card. Today 6/22 my account still shows staging. Needless to say if I need it from there I'll do without. Luke 16:10
 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

Offline Psyop96

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #71 on: June 22, 2024, 10:21:19 AM »
I don't know. What I do know is some parts, especially for BREN 2 rifles, are being diverted from the factory to Ukraine, in fact, a new assembly facility is being built in Ukraine to assemble BREN 2 rifles, full blown manufacture in the future.
I do know some downstream shops are also having difficulty getting CZ parts, businesses, so it's not just us. I don't know whether to blame it on the war in Eastern Europe or something else, it could be a bunch of oddities all at the same time.
Now I CAN say I did have an order go through very quickly recently, so maybe things are improving.

It’s seems silly for them to be setting up a Bren 2 factory inside the Ukraine, where it would be within the reach of Russia and subject to air strikes, artillery and missile attack. Better to whisk them safely across the border from CZ UB. Better yet, they should be taking thousands of Colt M4s — that’s one of the few things that Colt Management is supposedly good at - mass production for military contracts. It’s all on the US Taxpayers’ teat, anyway. Might as well have a US company benefit from all of Uncle Sugar’s largesse.
“Production” of the rifles is actually assembly of kit parts supplied by CZUB and not manufacturing in a factory in the traditional sense. The reason for assembling of the kits in Ukraine is a combination of insufficient labor force to do this in the Czech Republic plus the cost of assembly by a Ukrainian labor force will be much less and CZUB is banking on the exposure on the Bren usage for future sales….. per Czech media reports.

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #72 on: July 28, 2024, 01:33:44 PM »
Does anyone have more recent parts shipping experience? I also placed an order that took two plus months to ship. Unfortunately, of the six or so items I ordered, only one was shipped making it a very expensive part. 

Offline tdogg

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #73 on: July 29, 2024, 05:53:20 PM »
I just ordered parts and they only shipped half of it with no communication when I would get the other half.  I wasn't expecting it to ship as fast as it did given the comments in this thread but the parts that did ship were shipped fairly fast.  I just don't know when I should expect the rest that were ordered.

I did send and email and they have yet to respond.  I should call right now and get an update.

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Re: Anyone else having trouble getting parts from CZ USA?
« Reply #74 on: July 31, 2024, 01:48:18 AM »
I just ordered parts and they only shipped half of it with no communication when I would get the other half.  I wasn't expecting it to ship as fast as it did given the comments in this thread but the parts that did ship were shipped fairly fast.  I just don't know when I should expect the rest that were ordered.

I did send and email and they have yet to respond.  I should call right now and get an update.


I for one would be interested in hearing what you learn, if they answer.