Author Topic: P07 Magazine issues  (Read 227987 times)

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Offline Sodbuster

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Re: Off she goes...
« Reply #90 on: March 01, 2010, 06:37:31 PM »
Received a new pistol last week.  Mags drop clean and the hammer operates SMOOTHLY now.  Kudos to CZ USA for dealing with the issues and only taking 2 weeks from end to end.


Just spoke with Matt and received the RMA for return of the pistol.  Will let the group know how it turns out.



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Offline lakbum

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #91 on: March 07, 2010, 11:19:43 PM »
Just got the P07 yesterday and found out that I have the magazine release issue as well.  Kind of a bummer cause it's my first gun purchase in my life and to have this problem for the first one.  I haven't even fired a single round yet.

 So, I plan on calling them tomorrow to start the warranty process but was wondering how does this effect the record keeping of the serial number on the gun?  I ask this cause it seems most people here have been getting new guns with the new serial number.  I know when I had to bought this gun, the FFL dealer was recording the serial number and such.  Does CZ-USA take care of this or is there something I have to do?

So far...

Offline Falcn

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #92 on: March 08, 2010, 08:00:30 AM »
That depends on the state laws where you live.

In PA there is no gun registration.  So if I have to swap mine out, I do not need to register it anywhere - the paperwork from CZ would be enough to show that I owned the gun.

Offline CZ75BRocks

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #93 on: March 08, 2010, 08:27:46 AM »
I searched for the reply I posted sometime back, but, the advanced search option does not allow me to search by just the User's Name.
 Bottom line- The 1968 Gun Control Act does not regulate the acquisition of Firearm by the individual. This is the reason that the BATFE never knocks on your door.  The 1968 GCA regulates Retail, Wholesale, Manufacturers, Gunsmiths (a bit more complex on Gunsmiths, it has to do with Receivers, holding guns overnight during repair, etc. By the way have you notice that when you receive you firearm back from the Gunsmith you don't fill out a 4473? unless the Smith is ultra cautious?).  The 4473 that you fill out provides documentation that substantiates the fact that the Dealer (FFL licensee) actually "disposed/sold" the item to a real human/business.  When a FFL holder "acquires" a weapon it is entered in an "Acquisition / Disposition Log"  The 4473 that the Buyer fills out is the documentation to show that a sham transaction didn't take place.  If you've ever known an FFL holder to have a problem with the ATF it's usually over a mismatch between what's in the log and what's on the shelf.  As a matter of fact, you may have even been contacted by the BATFE to substantiate that you actually acquired a Firearm from a FFL holder. This occurs when they are investigating a FFL violation, NOT YOU!!!  The 4473 is retained by the FFL holder as a matter of law. If CZ gives you, key word gives you, a new gun, the responsibility is on CZ to "Acquire and Dispose" of this Gun via their Acquisition/Disposition Log.   
  Where people get confused is with the advent of the Brady law and the Phone call.  Back in the day after you filled out the 4473 you took your Gun and left.  In some states there were waiting periods, some didn't have them.
  If you live in State that requires registration that is entirely separate!! 

Offline lakbum

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #94 on: March 08, 2010, 10:23:10 AM »
Thanks for the info.  I'm going to call the FFL dealer where I picked up the gun to get some clarification.
So far...

Offline Falcn

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #95 on: March 10, 2010, 11:53:55 AM »
So is there yet an answer on WHY this is happening and if they guns can in fact be repaired or are they just bad?

Offline speedball

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #96 on: March 21, 2010, 06:05:31 PM »
So is there yet an answer on WHY this is happening and if they guns can in fact be repaired or are they just bad?

 >:(  Yes I want to know WHY this is happening and how to fix it.  My story is this - bought my P-07 off of gunbroker (so I couldn't check for this issue) and sure enough the mags would not drop free.  Sometimes they would drop slightly other times I would have to pry them out.  No big deal CZ has great customer service.  I got the pistol to Scott and they had it back to me in less than 2 weeks.  New gun and the mags dropped free fairly easily.  Took it to the range and put about 100 rounds through it.  Got it home and was cleaning it and noticed the mags won't drop!!  >:( >:(   ARGH.  I am NOT sending this one back - what is wrong with these pistols?  Is it the mag catch, mag well clearance or what?? 

Offline CZ75BRocks

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #97 on: March 21, 2010, 07:42:26 PM »
  Some time ago in this very thread one of the contributors described the molding process. I tried to query under P-07 Keyword "Molding" then again "temperature" to no avail. Anyway, the bottom line is the dimensions of the magazine well are in error due to improper cooling of the molded part (my understanding). There is one fix, return to CZ-USA and they will replace the gun. Don't sweat the BATFE details that's transparent to you it's resolved by CZ-USA.  As to your overlying angst, I totally concur with you that CZ-UB needs to recall all of the suspect P-07s. I was in Gander Saturday and yes, there was a P-07 there...and yes, it had the "problem". When I educated the salesperson and then the Gun Dept. Manager I asked why Gander Corporate didn't resolve this issue rather than merely subrogating the problem to their Customers he replied "seems like they should". That was the end of that. I hate those Corporate stores!!! Support your local Mom & Pops!!  I would like to believe that someone within CZ-USA or CZ-UB reads/eavesdrops on this site. When one considers that the number of people on this Forum probably represent a small number of actual CZ owners. Then factor in this P-07 issue x the total number of P-07 consumers I would think that good business practice and Process Improvement would drive CZ-USA to prod CZ-UB to aggressively pursue this matter post haste.  I know there are a great many posts on this Subject on this Thread alone, but, I would urge you to review them and then call CZ-USA first thing Monday morning.  For what it's worth, I went to a Gunshow this weekend and saw (4) P-07s they all dropped magazines just fine.  Please do not trade this weapon off and perpetuate this matter. CZ-USA Warranty is First rate.  This may not assuage your angst, but it may help grasp the full picture.

Offline speedball

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #98 on: March 21, 2010, 10:26:08 PM »
That's all well and good - but like I said I am not sending a SECOND pistol back.  There has got to be a way to take some material out of the magwell or something??

Offline howster

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #99 on: April 10, 2010, 11:23:29 AM »
Hello all,

New to CZ. After long and hard deliberation, a couple of weeks ago I purchased my first pistol, and I chose the P07 Duty. I learned about the gun and how to disassemble it even before I had an opportunity to fire it. I read articles and viewed numerous videos, and never until now knew there were any issues with the gun. I fired the weapon yesterday for the very first time on the range with an instructor who qualified me for my CHL with a perfect score. I have not fired a weapon in over ten years. We never had any concerns with the magazines falling out as advertised, and the gun has never not functioned properly.

That is however until last night after I cleaned the gun. Prior to last night I had not been able to load a full magazine. When I was able to put 15 rounds into a magazine and tried to put it into the gun, it would not go. The first round would never chamber. I did not force it and after removing a couple of rounds it worked fine. The one thing I did notice is that on one side of the magazine well there are several small scratches, but only in the one area. The rest of the area is smooth and looks fine. The gun did function perfectly through 71 rounds and not once did it jam, misfire, or not drop a magazine when required. However I will contact CZ next week concerning the magazines and the scratches in the magazine well.

I was in the military and shot M16s many times, but haven't shot a pistol that I can recall in many, many years. I know I have a lot to learn. The CZ was my final choice after passing over the Sig 2022, which had a much larger grip than I was comfortable with, and the Springfield. I really like the CZ and am confident they will take care of my needs. If not-well, I will cross that bridge when I get to it. I can't assume they will not take care of me until I give them an opportunity to do so. I will report my dealings with CZ and let everyone know the outcome. It would definitely be a shame for me to lose such a nice weapon due to a defective customer service, so I will cross my fingers and hope all goes well.

I hope to learn a lot from you folks, and everyone be safe. Cheers.


Offline leroyparker

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #100 on: April 11, 2010, 02:32:52 PM »
I spoke to CZ-USA about the sticking mag issues, and I was advised this indicates defective magazines. Please call 1-800-955-4486 and ask to speak to Matt or Justin, and they will work with you on swapping magazines with you. Hope this helps!

I just joined the forum today. Wish I had known about the sticking magazine issues BEFORE I bought my Duty in January. It's now April and I haven't yet had time to get to a range but soon after getting the P-07 from Buds (great price), I noticed one mag would fall freely from the well and the other would stick after dropping 1/4".  For some reason I was hoping the problem would "magically" correct itself after some break-in insertion/release. It didn't. In the meantime, I thought I'd break-in the springs by gradually loading the mags with a progressively increasing number of rounds over a period of time. Now BOTH mags stick after dropping a 1/4". My serial # is 7000 issues greater than the 651935 point where tercel 1989 hypothisized the problem would be eliminated. Guess I'll call CZ tomorrow. Can anyone tell me if they charge for shipping?

Offline CZ75BRocks

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #101 on: April 11, 2010, 03:28:36 PM »
It seems there are conflicting reports on this shipping issue.  Mine was paid by CZ both to CZ and the return to me. Others have reported that it was a CZ paid one way matter.  I still maintain that the retailers should do this for the Customer BEFORE IT EVER SEES THE SHELF!!!! There is a Mom & Pop store in Central Indiana doing this.  You can bet it won't be Gander, Bass Pro or Cabelas. The Walmart of sporting goods.  I bought a P-07 as a throw away / hide-out gun.  Something that I don't sweat losing.  But, if this was a Primary carry piece, and I was an average guy I'd be livid. CZ should have issued a recall or at least an information letter to the Distributors to check them and return for a repair/replacement. I believe that of all the issues ever brought forward to this forum this the "Big Kahuna".

Offline leroyparker

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #102 on: April 12, 2010, 12:33:58 PM »
It seems there are conflicting reports on this shipping issue.  Mine was paid by CZ both to CZ and the return to me. Others have reported that it was a CZ paid one way matter.  I still maintain that the retailers should do this for the Customer BEFORE IT EVER SEES THE SHELF!!!! There is a Mom & Pop store in Central Indiana doing this.  You can bet it won't be Gander, Bass Pro or Cabelas. The Walmart of sporting goods.  I bought a P-07 as a throw away / hide-out gun.  Something that I don't sweat losing.  But, if this was a Primary carry piece, and I was an average guy I'd be livid. CZ should have issued a recall or at least an information letter to the Distributors to check them and return for a repair/replacement. I believe that of all the issues ever brought forward to this forum this the "Big Kahuna".
I posted yesterday for the first time about the same magazine problems you guys are having. So today, I called CZ USA and spoke to Neil. He said he's only been there for two weeks but he was real helpful. He said he's sending me a call tag via email to return the gun and mags free of charge. They'll also pay shipping to return it to me. He said I'd get a whole new gun. I asked if he knew what was causing the problem and he said it was the type of polymers they had been using in the plastic. He also said that by using a different polymer(s), CZ has also corrected the "bulging" in the frame above the  trigger that some guns had developed. So we'll see what happens.

Offline QCBrob

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #103 on: April 12, 2010, 08:45:34 PM »
Well, after spending quite a bit of time inserting and dropping a fully loaded mag and eventually having it drop free the vast majority of the time, I took the gun to the range and after 100 rounds gave it a good cleaning.

Now the mags are stickier than ever and pretty much have to be pried out of the gun.  UNLESS I have been wearing the gun in an IWB holster for a period of time, in which case the mag seems to want to drop once again, but only inconsistently.  Interesting.  Wonder if body temperature has something to do with it? 

Anyway, I love the pistol, but I'm going to be calling CZ in the next couple of days.  The gun shoots really well, but the magazine issue is just not acceptable to me.

Offline Falcn

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Re: P07 Magazine issues
« Reply #104 on: April 15, 2010, 10:59:25 PM »
I too note that my mag well has scratches on one side - gouges really.  This weekend I had issues with the empty mag last shot hold open.

It's looking like the gun might have to be replaced....I just put FO sights on in too...wonder if they will swap them at CZ-USA for me if I send the gun in to be replaced?