Just got my Evolution holster (SWMP) about ten days ago. I have also bought a galco summer comfort (SUM251B) and a Desantis insider leather hoslter (031BBB6Z0). First of all it took about 3 months for the evolution left handed to come back in stock at optics planet. I am a lefty so finding holsters at a reasonable price is next to impossible for this gun, so I bought the other two in the interim. All 3 of these holsters are reasonable or better in price, are comfortable or at least tolerable for extended carry (more than an hour and both sitting and walking) and durable to some extent. The Galco is my favorite for concealability and it wins in looks hands down. The Evolution beats out the Galco in extended or all day wear comfort but is not as easy to conceal. The insider is a great holster for the price. I don't think its comfortable for extended wear of much more than a few hours as deep concealment design allows the beavertail to rub on you a bit much(pulling the elastic of your boxer shorts above where the beaver tail touches your skin helps) but at 20 something dollars and it being leather you can't complain. Now I also have the insider for my kimber ultra and Kahr and it works fantastic. I think the insider design works best for smaller guns(under 4") expecially ones without beaver tails. If I had to pick just one hoslter, it would have to be the Galco but only b/c its more concealable. It is also the most handsome of the 3 and the leather and craftsmanship is top. The evolution is more comfortable and more durable being kydex and a paddle holster but again unless you are planning to wear a coat or a large button shirt it will print alot more. The Desantis is actually even more concealable than the Galco but the wear comfort is just not there. Hope this helps and I will post pics when I go home later of all the holsters. I also have a pair of half check coco grips and stainless screws on the way from cz custom. I love this pistol. Its the first gun that I have actually desired to customize as oppose to saving the money and using towards another purchase, now I am also working on my kimber ultra getting meprolights and new grips installed.