Hey all, sorry if I'm reviving a dead thread but I've got a question about this (also sorry for the wall of text).
In October I purchased an EAA witness compact steel frame in 10mm. I love it, but the more I read about it online the more it seemed like the older models had a serious issue with an under-powered recoil spring and I couldn't find anything that specifically stated whether or not it had been fixed in newer models. So I purchased a 22lb Wolff recoil spring and was planning on buying the Sprinco Recoil system for it too (that fancy guide rod).
So today I get the spring, pull apart the pistol and for the first time remove the barrel and guide rod. First thing I notice is the guide rod has dual nesting recoil springs a small diameter short one right on the rod and a bigger longer one that goes over the top of the rod and smaller spring.
Second thing I notice is the manual says there should be something in the dust shroud that helps hold the spring. Nothing but spring came out for me, I looked inside with a flashlight - just metal, so to make sure it didn't pop out without me noticing I scoured the area around me didn't find any stray bits of anything lying around.
So I say screw it and put the single spring in anyway. It was extremely hard to compress it enough but I muscled through and got it together. Lo and behold the slide no longer goes back fully, and what little bit it does go back is.. difficult. Then I remembered a conversation I had with a sprinco rep through Emails when I asked if I should use their system and a wolff spring and dug it up,
"Does your Compact have a single recoil spring or dual nesting recoil springs? Recent production dual spring polymer Compact models have changed dimensionally, which disallows the use of single strand recoil springs from Wolff that are required to be used in conjunction with our system. The original Compact models utilized a single wire spring, and the original dual spring models would accept the single strand springs as well. With the dimensions in the current product dual spring Compacts, (at least the polymer versions), the spring tunnel is shorter and the single strand springs go solid (into coil bind) prior to full slide retraction, and the rounds cannot not eject because of the reduced slide travel. I do not know if the current production steel frame versions retain the original dimensions or not."
So, looks like new production steel witness compacts cant accept wolff recoil springs. Anyone familiar with this or maybe shed some light on something I missed?