It has been a while, my Witness Steel compack .40 SW was sent from the factory with the wrong recoil springs, a captured coil inside another coil, that when compressed all the way still lacked enough rearward movment to even lock the slide lock or chamber a .40 round. I started cutting untill I could barely lock the slide, with much too much effort. I had contacted Wolfe, they didn't have any captured springs for the compact .40, Then I contacted Sprinco, after checking for one of their recoil reduction kits, no .40 compact, but they did have a 10MM that maybe I could make work.
I finally was able to contact EAA in Cocoa Fl. the man on their chat box said I would need to send then al the info, if I didn't want to send in the pistol with $20 for them to check it out, if I emailed them all the info on the pistol ,mainly the serial number he would make sure I got the right spring for $5.00 and $10.00 shipping and handleing, so I did. Yesterday I received a new EAA spring, it is a single spring, I installed it without any problem and it seems okay, I will range test it when I get a chance, hope it works, I really like the looks and feel of this pistol, I got at a reasonable price, new in the box.