As you know we finally got our hard chrome and blued p120's yesterday and since we are having a snow and ice event since 11:00 pm last night we can't go shoot them so this morning I started on the sight swap on the hard chrome pistol. Last night I fitted some Vz grips from my stock -minor fitting of the screw holes required. This morning in between my cerakote jobs I decided to start on the sight swap on the hard chromed p120 to see what issues might be encountered. There are a few. First if suck with tools in your hands this one would be better left to some like myself or Dave at Cajun Gun Works or the very capable crew at CZ Custom shop. If you are handy then proceed. Now I use sights from Cz , Cz custom shop and Dave at Cajun Gun Works. The sights that I chose for these two pistols are Daves Cajun Gun works EZ9/40 sights - a tactical rear and a fiber optic front. Remember we are working with a Canik pistol it is not a Cz so the sights are not going to be a drop in part you will have to fit the sights or the slide to accomplish this task. I encountered a few issues doing this task this morning. First the roll pin is very thin and I was unable to drive it out with a roll pin punch, After experimenting with a variety of roll pin punches I got the proper size machinist drill bit and drilled out the roll pin I will fit it with a new roll pin it was just not worth wasting any more labor on time is money. The rear sight was easily driven out with a brass punch. Then I tried to install both the front and rear sight the new ones well of course they were not going to drop right in. The front sight is slightly too wide for the dovetail and the rear is way too wide for the dovetail. Now there would be two ways to go about obtaining the necessary clearance to allow for the sight installation. One would be to do all the fitting to the sights themselves and then refinish or touch up the sights. Second you could fit the front and rear dove tails on the slide which will require that the slide be refinished. I chose to fit the rear dovetail on the slide so that the sight would be a snug fit and with the set screws tightened there would be zero chance of movement. On the front I choose to fit the sight instead of the dovetail simply because it was easier to do. On the front Cajun sight once it was fitted I found that the pre cut groove for the roll pin was not going to line up and I will have to re-cut that groove toward the front of the sight to allow for the installation of a new roll. The Cz and Cz custom sights do not have the roll pin groove pre- cut that is something that you would do when fitting the front sight, I use a dremel with a small cutoff wheel to do this. The extra feature on the Cajun front sight is that it also has a set screw which I will be able to lock down against the roll pin when I am done ensuring that the roll pin can't go any where. I have sights on the hard chromed pistol now for tomorrows shooting session I will do the blued one over the next couple of days. After we shoot them we will tear them down totally for the Cajun custom short reset triggers hammers and springs and of course a refinish in cerakote. I am going to get off now so we can take some photos and come back later to post them.