Update (sigh...)
The CSA VZ.59 762 SBR build is off to a dead stop. Both the ATF Form 1 Manufacturers Stamp and Form 4 NFA Stamp are in hand, but as they say comrades: "We have mile to go before we sleep".
Since a VZ Pistol (any imported pistol) can come into the county without any 922R considerations, therefore with all foreign made parts on it, as soon as you get your stamp making it a rifle (which of course does have to be 922R compliant) you have to strip the pistol to the bone.
I have been busy acquiring and collecting 922R compliance parts and in the process have had some interesting exchanges with manufacturers including Czechpoint regarding opinions of what parts from the ATF 20 identified parts are legitimate or not.
To give an example on how botched up this is:
Czechpoint does not consider the striker rod as an identified part. (which would be a "hammer")
I believe OOW called it a LINEAR HAMMER in their parts list and included it as one of the 10 allowable foreign parts.
Bonesteel ObiWon evidently does not count the striker as a hammer either -- he did not list it in his post here:
http://www.czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=40349.msg225637#msg225637Being a gun collector and avid shooter I like my guns and ammo, and being suspect of anything our self-serving Bank owned tyrannical government is capable of, I don't offer up any excuses to receive fines, loss of my property and rights, or being thrown into a cage. SO... I always take the high road when it comes to compliance and firearm laws. Being anal about covering my azz (see what I did there), I have even got signed letters from my Sheriff for Dangerous Ordnance for high cap drums and belt-fed weapons that I pay to file each year -- not that any of it is illegal to own or use to begin with.
I could go on with other examples but here is where I am at:
ATF lists 20 parts covered under 922R - you are allowed to have 10 OR LESS foreign parts on your imported firearm. A good source for YOUR rifles MIGHT BE
922R.com (Note: they also believe in Linear Hammers)
Here is the list ATF parts for 922R compliance for ALL RIFLES imported in the US as follows (
X next to VZ.58 if applicable and
@ next to items I must or wish to potentially keep as imported parts):
Source TAPCO
27 C.F.R. 478.39 lists 20 parts:
@X(1) Frames, receivers, receiver castings, forgings or stampings
@X(2) Barrels
(3) Barrel extensions DID NOT X THIS BECAUSE IT IS THIS
(4) Mounting blocks (grunions)@X(5) Muzzle attachments
@X(6) Bolts
@X(7) Bolt carriers
( 8 ) Operating rodsX(9) Gas pistons
(10) Trigger housingsX(11) Triggers
X(12) Hammers
X(13) Sears
X(14) Disconnectors
@X(15) Butt stocks
X(16) Pistol grips
@X(17) Forearms, hand guards
@X(18) Magazine bodies
X(19) Mag Followers
X(20) Mag Floorplates
16 possible X foreign parts (including Linear Hammer)
8 must have / want to have @ foreign parts (so far) with room for 2 more
Next I will post some of the parts ordered already, and some thoughts on trade-offs that I could use some input on.