1st range report:
Iron sights sighted in at 50 and then 100 ( only have 100 to work with )
Used Golden Tiger ammo to sight in then switched to Wolf Military Classic as readjusted slightly as required. I saw one fail to eject with the GT ammo, it was not the last round in the mag, but it could have been the 10 round mag I was utilizing in conjunction with a Lead Sled.
ACOG was sighted in. Had to tighten up the RS Regulate mount a bit so it would hold zero, after that adjustment, it all worked like a champ. I love ACOGs. The horse shoe rings the pie plate at 100. If the bad guys would just carry pie plates or perhaps T-shirts with pies on them... " eat mor pie"
From the bench could consistently fill the center of a pie plate at 100. Would love to try 200-300 yards, and try sighting in per the manual of arms at 300. I just would need to borrow one of my shooting companions who has great eye sight.
Set up steel at 50 and 100 painted it bright yellow. Ringing the steel and removing all the paint is fun.
Tried two rounds of 220gr 1000fps without a suppressor and there was not enough gas pressure to cycle the gun and extract the spent case. The suppressor should hopefully help rectify that. Ballistics of these rounds zero at 100yds, so at 50 I had about 6" hold over.