Author Topic: The CZ P-10 is here, with video  (Read 29422 times)

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Offline TimeOnTarget

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #120 on: December 23, 2016, 05:53:43 PM »
I must have this. I will have this.

It appears to be everything I wish my G19 was...

Online MeatAxe

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Re: Something is coming...
« Reply #121 on: December 23, 2016, 08:18:59 PM »

I hate it.


If I wanted a Glock / striker, I would have bought a Glock / striker pistol. But I hate Glocks / strikers.

I would buy a P-07, probably the only plastic gun I would buy, but I'd rather have a CZ75 or a Rami.

I can see why this is in the "general" gun forum, because this is not a CZ.

I guess people who buy these will realize their folly when the get a hard primer or a misfire and they can't just squeeze the trigger DA to get it running again.

Then just buy something else.

Oh yeah, I definitely will buy something else. I've tried Glocks and everything about them is wrong: the ergonomics, the trigger, the recoil impulse. On the other hand, CZ75s and their variants are just about perfect in my hands, but that's just me and millions of other shooters.

I can see why CZ built this gun to capitalize on the Glock fad. The DA only CZ 100 was a failure, but the P-07 / P-09 are probably the best plastic guns ever made because they are still CZs in design and function.  The CZ P10 may be the best Glock ever made, but it's still a Glock clone - a collection of compromises, the worst of which is the striker mechanism, apparently designed to keep inept cops from shooting themselves or suspects in handcuffs. Striker fire must have been designed by and for administrators and bean counters and traffic cops who were issued guns but don't shoot them, so they want something light to carry around on their hips.

Can somebody explain to me what they think a striker does that a CZ75 DA/SA or even a SA trigger doesn't do a hundred times better?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2016, 08:25:36 PM by MeatAxe »

Offline Ross7

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #122 on: December 23, 2016, 09:30:16 PM »
I have an older Bersa Thunder .380. Mine auto forwards, or as I like to call it a tactical reload, but It didn't always do it. It bothered me at first, but then I saw people saying it was a design feature, which I don't believe, but I have moved on.

My older Bersa 380CC does this as well. And I, like you, do not think it's by design as it didn't use to this. But it's just a range gun for me now so no biggie to me either.

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #123 on: December 23, 2016, 09:35:32 PM »
"Can somebody explain to me what they think a striker does that a CZ75 DA/SA or even a SA trigger doesn't do a hundred times better?"
For one it appears to allow a higher hold than a hammer fired gun. Aside from that, the thing it does best is appeal to people who prefer striker fired guns. To me, that's enough reason to produce it. I wouldn't buy a Chevy Volt, but I would buy a Corvette Z06. That's no reason to get angry at the Volt. I hope CZ sells a million of them. I prefer hammer guns but I'll buy a P10. It looks more comfortable to hold than my P-07. If they'd give the 07 some hips I'd buy that one too.

Offline 1SOW

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #124 on: December 24, 2016, 12:23:17 AM »
Just my guess on your question:  It has a LOT simpler action.  The parts are simpler, cheaper and easier to mass produce.
The simpler mechanism is easier to work on, clean and replace when needed.  It's lighter for the defensive pistol buyers.
The striker fired plastic market is well-established.
Final result:  lower cost to build with less expensive parts equals greater profits,  IF the market is there..

Like you,  a well tuned steel/metal hammer fired semi auto pistol can't be beat "for the the shooter". The 1911 isn't going away.....yet.

Offline Joe L

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #125 on: December 24, 2016, 08:51:30 AM »
Earl and 1SOW have already posted good responses to the "why a striker fired CZ when a good hammer fired gun is 100x better". 

I'll add to it.  Most new IDPA shooters dread learning to shoot a DA/SA gun and have trouble learning to shoot the first shot DA.  This alone has sold a lot of Glocks and other striker fired guns.  I went through that learning curve and actually prefer DA/SA.  But new shooters are confused for a few sessions, that's all. 

But the main reason for a striker fired followup to the P-07/09 is the untapped Bullseye competition market!!   :) :)  I'm sure the low bore axis and light weight will make a big difference in slow fire 50 yards single hand 10 shots in 10 minutes.  Then there is rapid fire, 5 shots in 10 seconds, 25 yards single hand standing.  Can't beat a striker gun for that! 

Seriously, the gun is simple and cheaper to make.  If it can compete with the other "modern" firearms for some of the newer shooters' money, good for CZ.  I will push the new gun to its accuracy limits, and let others try it in run and gun.  It might work for both, but certainly won't be optimum for bullseye, any more than a P-09/07 is.  But I should be able to score well with one anyway. 

I never saw a firearm I didn't like in some way.  Mass production of firearms is driven by a lot more than experienced shooter's desires, that's for sure. 

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline IDescribe

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #126 on: December 24, 2016, 08:59:01 AM »
The primary advantage on the shooter's end, as Earl Keese indicated, is bore axis (or how "high" you can grip the gun). 

A secondary advantage is weight.

Offline flattusmaximus78

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #127 on: December 24, 2016, 10:18:08 AM »
I have an older Bersa Thunder .380. Mine auto forwards, or as I like to call it a tactical reload, but It didn't always do it. It bothered me at first, but then I saw people saying it was a design feature, which I don't believe, but I have moved on.

My older Bersa 380CC does this as well. And I, like you, do not think it's by design as it didn't use to this. But it's just a range gun for me now so no biggie to me either.
Exactly. I love the gun too, trigger is phenomenal for such a cheap little gun. It is now my gym bag gun and I bust it out when .380 goes on sale... which is never lol.

Back on topic, it isn't really a Glock clone, most striker fire guns seem to resemble Glock's on the inside, but ascetically they made it a little blocky to fit the G19 holsters.

Things like glock:
Take down levers.
Slide Stop.

Things not Glock:
The slide plays on the P-series slide.
Has the cz grip angle with a palm swell and serious texturing.
P-series trigger guard.
1913 rail.
P-series mags.
Doesn't look like trash.

Seems more like a P-series striker fired clone than a Glock clone.

Offline IDescribe

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #128 on: December 24, 2016, 12:29:05 PM »
And, of course, the non-Glock trigger.  8)

Offline flattusmaximus78

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #129 on: December 24, 2016, 12:37:37 PM »
^The most important part lol.

Offline Coleman

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #130 on: December 24, 2016, 04:49:55 PM »
Hell I'm buying one of them on looks alone over a glock. Can anyone honestly say the P10 isn't a better looking gun period. If so you may want to see a shrink. It's so funny how people get so defensive over there blocks heck I've got a 26 I like it very much but at there price point there now where near a CZ. And I can see these making a dent in the glock market easily. 40yrs ago you couldn't if you said cops would replace there 1911s or the military as well you would be laughed at by everyone the world changes period companies innovate if not you go out and get replaced CZs have been around longer and have a bigger market easily than glock there not that worried about the US market they don't have to have it they have military and LE contracts all over the world come on guys. I'm just excited to get one. Does anyone have any idea of the release date to the public.

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Online MeatAxe

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #131 on: December 25, 2016, 06:01:34 PM »
"Can somebody explain to me what they think a striker does that a CZ75 DA/SA or even a SA trigger doesn't do a hundred times better?"
For one it appears to allow a higher hold than a hammer fired gun. Aside from that, the thing it does best is appeal to people who prefer striker fired guns. To me, that's enough reason to produce it. I wouldn't buy a Chevy Volt, but I would buy a Corvette Z06. That's no reason to get angry at the Volt. I hope CZ sells a million of them. I prefer hammer guns but I'll buy a P10. It looks more comfortable to hold than my P-07. If they'd give the 07 some hips I'd buy that one too.

On the contrary, I can't stand the Volt, Leaf, Prius, etc. when they trundle down the highway and get in my way.

Similarly, I hate Glocks and all the striker fired Glock clones clogging up the shelves in gun shops as they take up space that could otherwise be used for other, much better alternatives.

Sure, Glocks and their clones are popular because they're cheap, cheap to build and highly profitable. They aren't better guns to have in a fire fight, which is what my guns are  for, primarily. For that reason, I hate to see CZ divert resources to this Glock clone because it's going to negatively impact production of their much better CZ75 pistols. Hopefully, if CZ continues in this folly, they'll have the P-10 production diverted to Taiwan, Brazil, Croatia or wherever.

That's one of the reasons I've switched from SIG to CZ, SIG ramped up their production and diversified to so many types of pistols (including striker fired Glock clones) that their quality control went to bleep, even in the formerly outstanding P220, P229, P239, etc. SIG's profits may have jumped up, but I have little confidence in their quality control these days after I bought a badly machined "custom shop" P239.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2016, 06:31:48 PM by MeatAxe »

Online MeatAxe

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #132 on: December 25, 2016, 06:23:23 PM »
Earl and 1SOW have already posted good responses to the "why a striker fired CZ when a good hammer fired gun is 100x better". 

I'll add to it.  Most new IDPA shooters dread learning to shoot a DA/SA gun and have trouble learning to shoot the first shot DA.  This alone has sold a lot of Glocks and other striker fired guns.  I went through that learning curve and actually prefer DA/SA.  But new shooters are confused for a few sessions, that's all. 

But the main reason for a striker fired followup to the P-07/09 is the untapped Bullseye competition market!!   :) :)  I'm sure the low bore axis and light weight will make a big difference in slow fire 50 yards single hand 10 shots in 10 minutes.  Then there is rapid fire, 5 shots in 10 seconds, 25 yards single hand standing.  Can't beat a striker gun for that! 

Seriously, the gun is simple and cheaper to make.  If it can compete with the other "modern" firearms for some of the newer shooters' money, good for CZ.  I will push the new gun to its accuracy limits, and let others try it in run and gun.  It might work for both, but certainly won't be optimum for bullseye, any more than a P-09/07 is.  But I should be able to score well with one anyway. 

I never saw a firearm I didn't like in some way.  Mass production of firearms is driven by a lot more than experienced shooter's desires, that's for sure. 


Well, I wouldn't buy a pistol that I'm going to stake my life on because it's cheaper and more profitable for the manufacturer. Whatever criterion you have, there are guns that do everything a Glock does, only they do it better (e.g. the CZ75s). Even if I have to pay a few dollars to get a better gun than a Glock, my life is worth it. The only advantage I see with a Glock is that it's lighter (but bulkier) to carry (not an advantage when actually fired), so it appeals to people who want or have to carry a handgun, but don't care much about shooting it -- the Glock & clones are perfect in that capacity.

IDPA and all that stuff are just games. Hit a hard primer / misfire in a SHTF situation with a Glock and you could be dead before you clear it.

The only thing certain is Murphy's Law - if something's going to fail, it's going to fail at the worst possible moment. I've had misfires at the range, even with "quality" ammunition. Every time with a DA/SA, all I've had to do was squeeze the trigger again to get it shooting. That's a big advantage over the strikers, along with everything else a quality DA/SA does better than a Glock / striker fired clone.

« Last Edit: December 25, 2016, 06:38:35 PM by MeatAxe »

Offline ernie_h

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #133 on: December 25, 2016, 06:25:45 PM »
.....I hate to see CZ divert resources to this Glock clone because it's going to negatively impact production of their much better CZ75 pistol.....

While I'm taking a 'wait and see' on the P-10C.....I'm afraid this is quite the truth....which makes it even less likely we'll see more of the 'less popular' models here in the states (and, fewer of the more popular ones as well). Hope that's not the case, but.....

Online MeatAxe

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Re: The CZ P-10 is here, with video
« Reply #134 on: December 25, 2016, 07:28:20 PM »
.....I hate to see CZ divert resources to this Glock clone because it's going to negatively impact production of their much better CZ75 pistol.....

While I'm taking a 'wait and see' on the P-10C.....I'm afraid this is quite the truth....which makes it even less likely we'll see more of the 'less popular' models here in the states (and, fewer of the more popular ones as well). Hope that's not the case, but.....

Yeah, I wouldn't buy one, especially as a CZ aficionado, as it will only encourage CZ to move forward in this Glock clone folly and bite us in the ass by diverting production from the CZ75 series of pistols that we all know and love.

Leave the P10 to those misinformed folks who refer to all semi-auto pistols as "Glocks."