I didnt know whether to post this here or in the CZ clone forum. Went out today with the wife with among other things my CZ P07 and my Tristar T100.
My T100 Trigger is pretty far and away sweeter than my CZ. In my T 100 I have installed the CGW spring kit, CGW SPGK1, and the kit replaces the hammer, firing pin and firing pin block spring. I did nothing else to the gun.
On my P07 I have completely disassembled the gun and did what amounts to a full polish job on all the internals that matter and the only spring I replaced is the hammer spring and I swapped it out for a 17#
Took both out today. I hadnt taken the CZ out since I did the polish, buff and hammer spring change and wanted to make sure it still works.
Good news was the P07 worked with every bit of ammo I put in it including my carry 124 speer gold dots.
The T100 in every way was a nice crisp clean break and a reset that I was just not getting from my p07 before or after the work. Now like a dumb ass I blew off the T100 which I had wanted for some time and gave it to my wife ... who is none to anxious to give it back. She is an excellent shot with it. It is an AWESOME gun.
So now I am curious .. is it the Omega trigger system that makes the p07 not quite as crispy as the more traditional CZ setup. I have poured a couple hours of work into my p07 while the spring swap on the T100 was a 15 minute job yet the t100 kills the p07 in trigger action.
My, well my wifes now, T100 in single action and in reset feels more like my 1911. Single action really feels 1911 ish and I have been shooting 1911's for over 20 years. Just a nice crisp discernible break. reset is just as good and my 1911 has been worked!
The p07 has been my wear everyday go to gun. Great thing about plastic is you dont have to spend a great deal of concern caring for it but .... Do I sell it and find another turk gun or is there something I can do to make this trigger alot more CRACK SNAP when it breaks. I dont want to throw $300 at a gun to make it right but don't mind spending a few dollars. At $300 I will just sell the p07 and find another Turk.
Is it the omega trigger group that makes the trigger mushy or is it that the Turks are out refining CZ. Is the traditional CZ configuration just better than the new Omega system. My grail gun was a CZ compact in steel but now I am not sure if it is CZ QC or the different trigger configurations.