thanks jwc, it looks sweet. ive never used a firearm with a slide mounted decocker or safety. are they pretty intuitive and easy to get used to?
Yes! Function is the same as that of the Beretta 92/M9 Safety.
Also, sometimes you can find a Poly Framed EAA Witness FAB92, which are much less expensive, but also a bit scarce as EAA does not regularly import them.
I have the early Series 88 Tanfoglio TA90's that came with a Decocker/Safety.

Series 88 Tanfoglio 9mm TA90's, Full Size and Compact. These have been exceptionally accurate and reliable.
I can use either the conventional Cz-style Safety or a Decocker/Safety. It matters not to me. I generally carry a DA/SA Semi-Auto with the Hammer down on a live/loaded chamber and Safety OFF.
I will load and decock my carry or house Pistol on my back Patio, pointed into the lawn/backyard dirt. Never a problem/bang!
Also, I have used my .45 Witness in many IPSC Matches, holding downrange when making ready, and manually decocked that Pistol without setting it off.
It has un-nerved a few less than knowledgeable Range Officers, but most have been okay with it as long as it does not go bang.