Are you still recommending the Jpoint RDS or now the DPPro for non-milled solution? Seems if a person is spending that much they might as well spring for an RMR.
Also, how do you choose which MOA?
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Fair question. This thread is several years old; and like all things electronic, the playing field can change quickly. The thread initially was an exercise in trying to add a low-mount red dot w/o milling and BUIS at low cost. It did the job OK, but I really can't recommend J-Points now. They're rather flimsy and the plastic lens requires extreme care to clean w/o scratching. Ditto for Shield products, maker of J-Points. The JPoint sits atop my tactical shotgun now, so it wasn't $ wasted.
I ended up liking red dots, and milling my pistols for DPPro and Vortex Venoms with two exceptions: my RAMI BD where the small RMR window is actually more fitting for the size of the pistol and my SIG 229 RX which came with Sig Romeo 1 (now over 8k rounds w/o failure). You can't argue the ruggedness of RMR's but until the SRO Trijicon was losing market share in competition due to small window. If you go with an RMR it will certainly serve you well, but there are other good choices for less $. Some really like the Holosun 507c but I haven't tried one yet.
For competitive shooting and full-size pistol, I prefer a large optic like DPPro, and dot size like 6moa. Longer range like bull's eye, a smaller dot, 3moa or less.
But it really comes down to how you want to use it and what features are important.