ha, that's awesome. Went looking a little today as well. I found a couple places that had a P-07, but when I asked if they were the omega type safety, they said no. Then I spotted an SP-01 - it is top of the running for now.
There was an H&K P30s V3 that was a DA/SA with safety, solid trigger, but it was plastic, still nice gun - but almost a Grand.
There was also an FN something or other that was decent too.
I'm quite proud of myself for getting paid today, carrying $$$ into a couple shops and just window shopped - buying nothing. Then to the bank to pay on car and student loans....uggg...
Other notables were Russian made zephr auto mag fed shotgun and the new Remington DM mag fed pump shotgun. cool/drool...
Good weekend to you gents!