A new sear is one option I'm opting for. The drawback(s) my wife is concerned concerned about, are that after reading the warranty terms, it appears further disassembly will void the warranty.
My wife is opting for just selling'trading it and being rid of it, which I told her we'll lose about $200 or more, (which is the approximate cost of a CGW upgrade kit), but which also seems to void the warranty. There's almost no guarantee what whatever she replaces the CZ with, won't have other bugs needing repair/mods. The gun also shouldn't be placed back on the market, it it really does have a bad sear, that's just BAD MOJO & KARMA!
As soon as the CZ comes back into the 'ROUNDTUIT" loop, I told her she, We, (usually meaning me)
, should get ahold of CZ, see what they say, and go from there.