My words were a bit tongue-in-cheek, and I think my point was lost on the intended ears. But anyway, yeah we need to stick together.
On the hogs, I have hunted wild pigs for over 20 years. I have seen the local herd go up and down in size for a variety of reasons, but the main reason is commercial trapping. There are hog buying stations near me, and apparently a fair market for them as so many people are trapping them and taking them to sell. Though, some of these guys I know might consider the price of a case of beer to be enough reason to go to such trouble.
I have seen them in herds of over a hundred in the past, but in more recent years much less than that. My neighbor thinks we need to wipe them out, but I sort of like having them to extend my hunting season a bit....though they do over-populate very quickly. Ive shot young piglets and cooked them whole, but the older ones I usually grind up into breakfast sausage, and my efforts on that are sort of hit and miss (good one time, not so much another)