LTT/Springfield XDe 3.3 vs Sig P365.
Both in the preferred carry configuration.
P365 with 10 round finger extension mag H: 4.5" L: 5.8" W over grip sleeve: 1.25", w/o grip sleeve; 1.1"
XDe with 8 round finger extension mag H: 5.25" L: 6.5" W over safety: 1.25"
After shooting 500 rounds from each, I'm selling or trading the Sig. Both are more than good enough carry pieces. The Sig's trigger is not for me, mushy and no distinct break with a 5 pound 12 ounce trigger pull. The XDe DA pull is 7 pounds 11 ounces the SA is 4 pounds even. I get similar practical accuracy from both pistols. While the XDe is a larger pistol, it carries about the same as the P365. Recoil is sharper and muzzle flip is greater with the P365. Both favor Federal 124gr HST for defense ammo, they both shoot most 115gr and 124gr target ammo well enough.
I probably will continue to carry my Kimber K6s most of the time, I still have a preference for revolvers and the K6s has been the best one for me.