"My current SP-01 Shadow set up, extended firning pin, light TRS, 11.5# hammer spring and RP FP spring with a coil cut off has a light strike fail to fire about 1 in 300 on CCI."
That right there invalidates any results, IMO.
I've used just about every sort of primer--no Russian primers--in my reloading as well as what the factory loads may use, and in all my "stock" firearms, never have I had a misfired round except for two clearly dud CCIs from the same pack eons ago. This despite all the claims of Brand A having thicker/thinner cups than Brand B, C, and D.
If I were to cut coils off the spring and/or make other modifications to the firing mechanism, I wouldn't blame the primer for a misfire. That's like blaming the gasoline maker because your engine blew up after you installed a modified cam and piston rods in the motor.