Author Topic: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!  (Read 370170 times)

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Offline M012617

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #690 on: March 13, 2019, 07:17:14 PM »
Just got my Evo 3 S2. Right now I have a Sightmark Ultra Plus on it that I might switch out for a Romeo 5 I have laying around, once I have a chance to test them out.

The charging handle is incredibly difficult to pull, though I hope it will improve after a few trips to the range.

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How do you like the PDW brace? I looked at buying one but read some reviews that said it?s loose and wobbly when open.
PDW brace works great. It deploys to full length on a single pull then stays sturdy. I didn't notice significant wobble or other issues while using it.

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Offline rbuzz00

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #691 on: March 13, 2019, 09:00:09 PM »
I know we've seen pictures of the Micro before, but I just brought this one home today. All cleaned and lubed and ready for the range tomorrow, hopefully.


Offline M012617

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #692 on: March 13, 2019, 10:13:42 PM »
I know we've seen pictures of the Micro before, but I just brought this one home today. All cleaned and lubed and ready for the range tomorrow, hopefully.

Congrats and enjoy! Let us know how it goes. I took mine out on Monday for the first time.

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Offline SilentRecon

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #693 on: March 13, 2019, 11:36:28 PM »
Just finished this SBR after getting my Form 1 E- File back in 2 weeks! Personal record there. I'm still waiting on my SiCo Omega 9k suppressor and for Surefire to roll out the XLV2 light. I personally like the low profile OEM charging handle and the OEM mag release. The Black Collar trigger is excellent clean 4.5lb 2 stage pull. 

HB Industries Micro Conversion Tri-Lug
HB Industries Short Ambi Saftey selectors
Black Collar Arms Scorpitol Trigger pack (drop in)
Shooters Element Flat trigger
Pakse Pathfinder Grip
A3 Tactical "HK" VFG
Dan Haga Design ACR adapter
ACR Folding Stock
Aimpoint Micro T2
Bobro QD mount

Offline GearFondler

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #694 on: March 14, 2019, 04:04:32 AM »
^^^ That is just silly cool!! Well done!

Offline rbuzz00

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #695 on: March 14, 2019, 07:03:36 PM »
I know we've seen pictures of the Micro before, but I just brought this one home today. All cleaned and lubed and ready for the range tomorrow, hopefully.

Congrats and enjoy! Let us know how it goes. I took mine out on Monday for the first time.

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I managed to get the Micro out today. Shot about 200 rounds combined of Winchester 124 gr NATO and Blazer Brass 115 gr. The Micro ran perfectly on both. Very well satisfied with it's first outing, in fact it's already at the top of my list for fun to shoot guns. It ranks right up there with my Sig MPX and Kriss Vector. Each pistol has it's own good and bad points, but the Micro's list of bad points is pretty small. The controls on the Scorpion seem a little more "clunky" (mainly that safety switch again) to me than on the other two, but considering that the others cost a few hundred more, I'm not worried, plus I have a feeling that they will improve over time.

In fact the Micro is a lot like an AR, it's great right out of the box, but you soon realize that there are lots of minor things that you can do to improve it. In fact I don't think I've ever owned a firearm that shows so much potential, but really needs a little tweaking to make it perfect, as the Scorpion. The first and foremost is the right hand safety. It's impossible to shoot it without that safety switch rubbing a raw spot on your hand. I know some have simply ground it off, but I think I'll start researching after market replacement parts and find something better.

The trigger also leaves something to be desired. It gets the job done as is, but it is a bit gritty and the pull is too heavy. I might leave it as is and see if it gets better over time, but I might also look into a replacement for it too.

That's really about it. Nothing else on the Micro bothers me to the point that makes me want to go out and replace anything on it, except that right hand safety switch. I know there are tons of after market parts available for it, but I'm trying to hold off on that, plus it doesn't really need a whole lot to make it just about perfect.  It's a well thought out design that is a whole lot of fun to shoot, is very accurate (it's amazing how accurate a 4" barrel can be), and from what everyone seems to say, it's a very well built little gun that will last many years.  This is my first Scorpion, and I can now see that all the talk about it is true.  It's a great little gun.


Offline M012617

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #696 on: March 14, 2019, 09:12:10 PM »
I know we've seen pictures of the Micro before, but I just brought this one home today. All cleaned and lubed and ready for the range tomorrow, hopefully.

Congrats and enjoy! Let us know how it goes. I took mine out on Monday for the first time.

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I managed to get the Micro out today. Shot about 200 rounds combined of Winchester 124 gr NATO and Blazer Brass 115 gr. The Micro ran perfectly on both. Very well satisfied with it's first outing, in fact it's already at the top of my list for fun to shoot guns. It ranks right up there with my Sig MPX and Kriss Vector. Each pistol has it's own good and bad points, but the Micro's list of bad points is pretty small. The controls on the Scorpion seem a little more "clunky" (mainly that safety switch again) to me than on the other two, but considering that the others cost a few hundred more, I'm not worried, plus I have a feeling that they will improve over time.

In fact the Micro is a lot like an AR, it's great right out of the box, but you soon realize that there are lots of minor things that you can do to improve it. In fact I don't think I've ever owned a firearm that shows so much potential, but really needs a little tweaking to make it perfect, as the Scorpion. The first and foremost is the right hand safety. It's impossible to shoot it without that safety switch rubbing a raw spot on your hand. I know some have simply ground it off, but I think I'll start researching after market replacement parts and find something better.

The trigger also leaves something to be desired. It gets the job done as is, but it is a bit gritty and the pull is too heavy. I might leave it as is and see if it gets better over time, but I might also look into a replacement for it too.

That's really about it. Nothing else on the Micro bothers me to the point that makes me want to go out and replace anything on it, except that right hand safety switch. I know there are tons of after market parts available for it, but I'm trying to hold off on that, plus it doesn't really need a whole lot to make it just about perfect.  It's a well thought out design that is a whole lot of fun to shoot, is very accurate (it's amazing how accurate a 4" barrel can be), and from what everyone seems to say, it's a very well built little gun that will last many years.  This is my first Scorpion, and I can now see that all the talk about it is true.  It's a great little gun.

Awesome. Great to hear. I had a similar experience with it. I am thinking about ordering the HBI trigger spring kit along with a solution to the right side safety selector. Aside from that, I have on back order the Magpul grip, mag release, and mag. I don't think I'd do anything else to it for a while. The gun just works and I don't want to mess with it too much.

Offline M012617

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #697 on: March 14, 2019, 11:26:26 PM »
Just finished this SBR after getting my Form 1 E- File back in 2 weeks! Personal record there. I'm still waiting on my SiCo Omega 9k suppressor and for Surefire to roll out the XLV2 light. I personally like the low profile OEM charging handle and the OEM mag release. The Black Collar trigger is excellent clean 4.5lb 2 stage pull. 

HB Industries Micro Conversion Tri-Lug
HB Industries Short Ambi Saftey selectors
Black Collar Arms Scorpitol Trigger pack (drop in)
Shooters Element Flat trigger
Pakse Pathfinder Grip
A3 Tactical "HK" VFG
Dan Haga Design ACR adapter
ACR Folding Stock
Aimpoint Micro T2
Bobro QD mount

That is awesome. Also super quick turn around on that Form 1.

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Offline ShakyDog

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #698 on: March 15, 2019, 11:47:37 AM »
No offense to Manticore Arms and their collapsing brace, but the Micro looks so much better with a folder.

I know it is my personal preference :)

« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 08:58:02 PM by ShakyDog »

Offline Silent service

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #699 on: March 15, 2019, 05:31:56 PM »
No offense to Manticore Arms and their collapsing brace, bu the Micro looks so much better with a folder.

I know it is my personal preference :)


I agree

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Offline falconman515

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #700 on: March 22, 2019, 04:43:25 AM »
My first EVO .... she's still at the gun shop waiting for background to clear (was a used unit on consignment so I have to wait the 30 days for DOJ to clear before DROS'ing)

Already bought a bunch of crap for it just sitting waiting for me to get it into my brubby little hands!!!! :)

CZ 75 SP-01

Offline M012617

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #701 on: March 22, 2019, 06:33:11 PM »

This looks awesome! Congrats. Is that an Innovative Arms suppressor? If so would you mind posting your experience with it, I would be interested in hearing about it.

Offline timetofly

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #702 on: March 22, 2019, 09:15:20 PM »
kalifornia gun laws suck.

No kidding.  I'm looking at that "FIN" and thinking "Oh my God".  I am so glad I left that state.
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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #703 on: March 22, 2019, 10:20:50 PM »
25yrds, Holosun 510c.

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Re: Official Scorpion Picture Thread!
« Reply #704 on: March 28, 2019, 09:12:50 PM »
Thought I'd post up a couple pics of my fun gun.  Got a suppressor being held hostage right now and will likely put in a Black Collar Arm Trigger when they get them back in stock.