Hi everyone,
So, I?m totally new to this forum, but thought I?d get this post in to let you all know I just unwittingly bought one of thes ?rare?? Steel framed P-01s. Went to the LGS thinking they had a regular alloy framed P-01 for sale, which is a rare enough commodity that I figured I needed to jump on it. When I arrived, first thing I noticed was it had a manual safety... The shop mentioned that CZUSA offered them either the decocker model or this manual safety model.
Ok, odd I thought. I would prefer the decocker, but I?m cool with the safety. Felt heavy also, was still thinking it was the alloy frame. Got home, cleaned it, noticed the grip did not have front or back side serrations. Odd again.
Started doing some googling to find out about this P-01 variation and immediately happened upon that monster SP-01 Compact thread. Mine didn?t say ?Compact? on the side. It wasn?t until I searched the SKU 99041, that I found this thread. I checked the test shot sheet, and it states it was tested on June 27, 2017 and has ?17? and ?CIP N? roll marks, with the Czech Proof House ?stylized lion? roll mark.
Needless to say, I?m thrilled to have happened upon a full steel framed P-01. I love shooting my brother?s SP-01, so I?m looking forward to hitting the range, which won?t be for while due to the holidays.
I look forward to hearing the story behind this batch of P-01s. If I were to guess, CZUB may have authorized a batch of the steel framed P-01s based off the interest and good-selling small batch of SP-01 compacts that hit the market a year ago. Possibly, CZ is establishing a true CZ SP-01 Compact model that will make it into the catalog. Who knows?