Nice! That's exactly how I'm going to have them mill mine.
That gray looks good on there. Is that Sniper Gray Cerakote?
Did you get the BUIS sights that they offer as an option or provide your own? I provided my own with my P10C, but I'm considering theirs this time.
Yes, the coating is Sniper Grey. I got everything from Primary Machine, just figured what the heck have the pros do it all! Not sure what your $$$ situation is but make sure you go in and check out their picture gallery on Instagram, tons of cool pics and unfortunately more ideals that could cost more $$$ !

After looking at there gallery of pic's I see other colors and slide cut-outs and weight-reducing work that I'm sure would lighten the mass and help with less felt recoil. If I had seen them I would have had some of that work done also. The 07 feels great/shoots great and is one of my favorite Cz pistols at half the price of some of my other ones, for me it is that good! Anyways once you get it worked on and home makes sure you post some pics, we will be excited to check it out!