Then consider reloading....
Read "Is Reloading For Me ?" in the Ammo & Handloading Forum stickies.
I mentioned previously that a friend of mine was gonna let me use his reloading equipment but I either couldn't find the supplies or the prices weren't worth it.
Either way, 'being prepared' does require some preparation on your part. It starts with buying quantities when prices are low so you'll have surplus on hand to coast through the lean times.
But here's the difference... When you stockpile ammo... you only only have that exact ammo. But when you stockpile components... you can load anything you want. For instance, with my 0.356" bullets I can load for 9x17, 9x19, 9x21, 9x23, or 38Super cartridges. And I can load them for soft plinking or as hot as I like.
In other words, you have more flexibility and thus shooting options.